
House Swimming Carnival 2020

Thursday the 13th of February saw the 4 houses down in the pool competing in the inter-house swimming sports for the Jen McArthur Cup. It was great to see so many students in the pool creating some healthy competition between friends and a little bit of rivalry between houses.

A highlight of the day was the teachers versus year 12’s race which saw 12 teachers jumping in the pool going head to head against four year 12 teams. The teachers started slow but a solid lap from Ms Adam’s saw them take back the lead. A few students tried to sabotage the race, however the teachers managed to still come out on top. Well done to all the year 12’s for their fantastic effort and behaviour throughout the day.

House leaders did a fantastic job on the day getting the race goers organised and ready to jump in the pool. All staff worked tirelessly throughout the day to ensure the day ran smoothly.

At the end of the day it was Fraser that come out on top with a convincing win over Laver. Fraser Captain’s Laura Robinson and Aaron Glare were proud recipients of the Jen McArthur Cap.

Well done to all swimmers, and an extra congratulations to the individual champions for each age group on the day. Those winners are as follows

12-13 year old girls         Isabella Dahl

12-13 year old boys        Archie McKay

14 year old girls               Amber McCredden

14 year old boys              Archie Buck

15 year old girls               Georgia Pitts

15 year old boys              James Plunkett

16 year old girls               Latisha Gay

16 year old boys              Todd Dymke

17 year old girls               Olivia Taylor

17 year old boys              Jacob Cook

18-20 year old girls         Laura Robinson

18-20 year old boys        Steven Garland


Congratulations to all students who competed and we wish those who are attending the GD Swimming sports in Portland the best of luck in their events.



Thursday 20th Feb saw around 40 Baimbridge students travelling down to Portland to compete in the 2020 Glenelg District Swimming Sports. We had a very successful day, coming 3rd overall. Well done to all those who competed and a special thanks to those who helped with timing on the day as well. It was great to see so many in the pool giving it their all.


Some fantastic individual results included:


Todd Dymke: 1st in the 100m Freestyle, 50m Butterfly, 50m Freestyle, 50m Backstroke, 50m Breaststroke and the 200m Individual Medley


Steven Garland: 2nd in 50m Freestyle, 50m Backstroke, 50m Breaststroke and 3rd in 50m Butterfly,


Amber McCredden: 3rd in 50m Freestyle


Rylan McConachy: 3rd in 50m Freestyle


Jacob Cook: 3rd in 50m Freestyle


The Boys 16-20 200m Medley Relay, Boys 16 200m Freestyle relay, Boys 17 200m Freestyle and Boys 18-20 200 Freestyle relays all come in 3rd place.


Todd Dymke and Steven Garland were both named Age Group Champions for their respective age groups and will both progress through to the next stage, we wish the well and congratulate them on their efforts today.