Coming Events

GD Athletics

Friday 13th March

For students in the next level athletics team.

GWR Golf - All Levels

Monday March 16th

Greater Western Region Golf in Hamilton today - FORE!

Year 7 & 10 immunisations

Wednesday March 18th

The date has changed and so has the venue, we are now at the Gym.  Please contact us if your child has special requirements and be sure your forms are back.

GWR Swimming 

Friday 20th March

Our top swimmers are off to Horsham today to compete against students from the Greater Western Region

GD Senior Boys Cricket

Wednesday 25th March

Year 10, 11 & 12 Boys Cricket on today in Hamilton.

The 2020 Presentation Ball

Friday 27th March

We are in the Gym and heading "into the woods" for our annual Presentation Ball.  Tickets on sale to the general public Monday 16th.

Live4Life Youth Concert

Friday 27th March

10AM - 2PM @ Monivae College for Years 8,9 and 10

Last Day Term 1

Friday 27th March 

2:30PM finish today.

Term 2 Commences

Tuesday 14th April

Half a Term gone already! Reports will be distributed at the end of this term and course counselling for 2021 is looming.


Monday April 20

It's a bit early, but with badge selling and the Cross Country this week it's important to give the ANZAC assembly the time it deserves.


Thursday 23rd April

Mr Hill will distribute forms for permission to show your Pride, courage and respect in the CBD by helping the RSL sell ANZAC Badges.

House Cross Country

Friday 24th April

Kit up in your house colours and enjoy some time outside running the lake - if you can't run the whole way run/walk/jog - every point counts! 

Staff Professional Development Day

Thursday 30th April

They're Life Long Learners and they're passionate about delivering the best possible education to your kids, and sometimes that means we have to come together as a group to be taught whole school initiatives.


Tue 12th May - Thur 14th May

It's NAPLAN testing time again, Years 7 & 9 are off to the Hall to sit the Nation Wide testing, we ask all students try their very best, this data helps inform us of our progress and is very influential in driving our Annual Implementation Plan.

GD Cross Country

Mon 18th May

The Glenelg District Cross Country is on this day

Div 1 Senior Boys Football

Tue 19th May

Our Year 11 & 12 lads are sure to do us proud in the footy.

Year 7 2021 Scholarships close 

Fri 22nd May

If you know any Grade 6 students coming to Baimbridge please encourage them to apply for one of the $500 scholarships on offer.

Year 8 Bogong Camp

June 1 - 5

Our Year 8 Bogong students are away this week.  Those not attending are expected to be at school as an alternate program has been created for you.

GWR Cross Country

Mon Jun 1

Greater Western Region Cross Country.  At least if you're reading all of these you're learning a lot of acronyms!

Year 9/10 Boys Footy

Its the middle children's turn to play today

GD Soccer

Thu Jun 4

venue to be advised

Mid Year Eams

Thu 4th, Fri 5th, Tue 9th,  Wed 10th, Thu 11th, Fri 12th

More information before this happens :)


Monday 8th June

It's in caps because we all love a long weekend!


Wed 10th June

All students studying Unit 3 & 4 subjects are to attend the GAT in the hall.

Year 10 Work Experience

Mon 15th - Fri 26th June

Our Year 10's are in the community and beyond experiencing real life - well we're pretty sure they're not paying bills and doing the washing but it's a step in that direction!  Say hi to them if they serve you somewhere - take a selfie with one and send it to us!

Year 5 Transition Day

Tue 16th June

They're  so little and cute and we love having them!

Year 9 Melbourne Experience

Mon 15th - Fri 19th

It's 3 nights in this week, we'll let you know :)

Year 9 Careers Week

Mon 22nd - Fri 26th June

All things careers for our Year 9 crew this week.


Friday June 26

2:30PM finish and reports distributed on Compass today - tomorrow we are on HOLIDAYS!

Term 3 (Semester 2) commences

Monday 13th July

Refreshed and energised and back into it!