Maths Week Problem Solving

Brett McGinniskin

Maths Week Problem Solving

During week 9 Greenvale Primary School is celebrating all things to do with Maths. Students and their families are encouraged to have a go at these mind bending problem solving questions.


Entries are to be placed in the tubs near Ms White, Mrs Briggs and Mr Macs office in the BER by Friday 27th of March and prizes will be handed out during Week 1 of Term 2.


Remember to show all of your working out and explain how you came to your solution.

Foundation, Years 1 and 2

How many different ways can you make $1.00 by only using Australian coins? Write your solution down on a piece of paper.

Year 3 and 4

I asked my friend what time it was. She can’t read an analogue clock but said that the numbers the hands were pointing at added to 10. What time could it be?

Year 5 and 6

A snail is at the bottom of a 20 metre deep pit trying to get out. Every day the snail climbs 5 metres upwards but at night, it slides 4 metres back downwards. How many days does it take for the snail to get out of the pit?