Bullying No Way!

Brett McGinniskin

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

On Friday the 20th March Greenvale Primary School will be acknowledging and celebrating The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence is an important day in our school calendar to join with other schools across Australia to say:


‘Bullying. No Way!’


Students are encouraged to wear the colour orange in recognition of the day.


They will be completing activities in class that highlight ways students can make a difference to combat bullying and violence at our school. At lunch time we are asking all students to meet in the assembly area to take a whole school photo of all the students dressed in orange.


Greenvale Primary School are proud to say ‘Bullying. No Way!’ We are putting our anti-bullying initiatives in the spotlight and calling on our school community to stand with us on Friday 20th March 2020.