Staff Info

Meet the Teachers

Mr Jamie Suddaby

What do you currently teach? 

All of my classes this year are in Mathematics: I have two Year 12 classes: Maths Standard and Maths Extension 2, two Year 10 Maths classes, a Maths Standard class in Year 11, and the Teal class in Year 8. 

When I'm not in lessons, you might find me in the Gym playing table tennis.


Where and what did you study?

I went to school and university in England. I studied Mathematics and Education at Cambridge, which was an amazingly beautiful historic city.


What three words best describe you?

Enthusiastic, energetic ... er ... ectomorph


If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

Climb a mountain. My wife and I met rock climbing and we love the stark beauty of wilderness landscapes.

What would be your dream destination over the holidays?

It would be hard to beat South Island New Zealand. We went there this summer and would love to visit again. 


What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?

We saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in a very cool retro cinema in Wanaka, New Zealand. We sat on vast sofas in the front row and the staff delivered home-made pizza and coconut slice. The movie was good too!


What is your favourite thing about being a teacher?

That 'Aha' moment when a student learns a new skill or makes a breakthrough in understanding.


If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?

Time-bending like Doctor Strange, or like Hermione Grainger's magical ability to attend several classes at once. That way I could always be on time.


Thank you Mr Suddaby. We all know about your promotion of table tennis amongst the staff and students. It is interesting to find out about your other interests, like your rock climbing passion. 

Mrs Alicia Webb

What do you currently teach? 

Years and subjects. I teach English and Humanities. I have 3 senior English classes, 12 Advanced, 11 Standard, 11 Extension English, 8 Teal English and  7R for Humanities, this is a combination of HSIE and English.


Where and what did you study? 

I studied at UNE, completing a B Arts/B Teach in 2002. I studied English, Drama and minored in Music. 


What would be your dream destination over the holidays? ​

Bora Bora


What can you cook to perfection?

Double Fig and Chocolate Brownie


What three words best describe you?

Passionate, driven and compassionate


What is your favourite thing about being a teacher? 

Building strong relationships with students that help me to better understand their individual learning needs. I enjoy seeing students discover new aspects of their talents, and helping them to achieve their goals, both big and small. 


What is your favourite book to read? 

​The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and anything by Tim Winton


Thank you Mrs Webb. Ooh, double fig and chocolate brownies?  

Meet a Support Staff Member

Mrs Susan Maisey (aka Ms Susie)

What is your role at ASC?

My role is Assistant in Food Technology. The teachers give me their food orders for all their classes and I collate and shop for their provisions. Prior to classes starting, I support the teaching staff by ensuring that that all necessary equipment and foodstuffs are set up and then cleared afterwards. I am jointly responsible for maintaining the kitchen, the stocks and equipment. 


How long have you been working for the school? 

Between Armidale Secondary College and Armidale High, I have been working here for 18 years.  I  went to school at Baulkham Hills, Sydney  and then upon leaving school, nursed until I started  to work at AHS.


What is your favourite thing about your role?

I think I have the best job!  We are always around food, smelling food and watching the kids have so much fun making delicious creations. 


What are some pets you've had or would like to own?

I have had a long-necked turtle for nearly 15 years. His name is Ted and is really tame and great fun. 


What would the students be surprised to find out about you?

Many years ago, I desperately wanted to be a dancer on stage or in music videos, but I just didn't have enough rhythm. 


Who is your favourite superhero?

My superheroes are honestly the amazing people I work with. 


Thank you Ms Susie. However, we think that the staff who you work with will say that you are the superhero as you provide such friendly support that ensures smooth running lessons!

Professional Learning

Following the swimming carnival on Wednesday 29th February, Year 7 teachers gathered to look at student data, starting with the Best Start assessment results that Year 7 students completed in their first weeks at ASC.


After the data crunching, teachers broke into their KLA teams to consolidate and refine teaching and learning programs, discuss assessment strategies and talk through peer feedback and proofing strategies.


Teachers then worked in their specific class groups and continued with talk about teaching and learning and specific student needs. Teachers were supported by Dan Williams, Curriculum Advisor, and Amanda Coughlin, Literacy/Numeracy Advisor.


This was a very positive day with student learning as the key focus.

Cultural Awareness Training

Six Armidale Secondary College staff (teaching and non-teaching) undertook Cultural Awareness training with Dave Widders. This training focussed on working with Aboriginal people and incorporating Aboriginal perspectives into our daily business.