School Info

Twilight Swimming Carnival 2020

New Build Update

Structural steel works are complete in most zones and external cladding has commenced. Glazing is nearly complete, with plastering and painting ongoing in most zones. In the heritage building, flooring, painting and acoustic treatments are nearing completion. Externally, Butler St works have commenced, including preparation for substations and footpaths.

Attendance Matters

Why does Attendance Matter?

Australian research shows that attendance matters for achievement. The more a child misses school, the poorer the academic outcomes. Regular attendance not only improves academic results, but enables students to develop a sense of belonging to a peer group and assists in building important coping and friendship skills.


  •  Confident students are less likely to engage in anti-social behaviour.
  • Regular attendance relieves stress and makes school easier.


We have a great deal of support here at Armidale Secondary College to help students in the form of a School Counsellor, Year Advisors, the Welfare Team, Learning and Support Teachers, Careers Advisor etc. if you feel like you need support, please come and speak to us. We take care to work with parents/carers of students whose attendance is causing concern. Part of this initiative is  our phone intervention program, where we ring families whose children are struggling to be at school by 8.50 each  day.


 If  your child happens to be away, please make sure you explain all absences, which can be done by responding to SMS, by phone, note or in person. Under the Education Act 1990, all absences must be explained within seven days, it will be recorded as an unjustified absence and this will appear on your child’s report.


If you are not receiving a SMS when your child is away could you, please notify the school and update your details.


Absences add up quickly! These can affect your child’s academic, social and emotional progress. School attendance is the LAW – every day counts and can make a difference. Be at school!

Unplugged and Learning

Captains Corner

"Attention Passengers these are your captains speaking!


This year is going be a good one!

 Already we have raised $700 in total from Valentine’s Day and a BBQ to donate to charities. Our chosen charities for this money are Ronald McDonald House and The Armidale Tree Group.  This year, we are focusing on improving sustainability in our school and the community. 


In the coming weeks we have been invited to attend an International Women’s Day Breakfast as well as a dinner with the Armidale Rotary Club. We look forward to representing the ASC student body at these events. 


We are more than happy to talk to anyone with ideas, suggestions or feedback and would love to hear from you! 


Thank you for your time, and please enjoy your flight :-)



Ella, Felix, Amy, Luke, Juliet, Noah, Kasey, Will"

Special Religious Education

Timetabled Christian SRE (Special Religious Education) classes are offered each fortnight to all students in Years 7-10 at Armidale Secondary College. Parents and carers may change their student’s nomination at any time in writing via the SRE Participation Letter. 


Matt Mulready, SRE Teacher

Upcoming Events

Preparing for Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

A Parent-Student-Teacher conference is planned for the afternoon of the 1st April, towards the end of this term. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to recognise success and to work together towards improved achievement.


Closer to the time an electronic booking process will be emailed to parents to schedule meeting times for the teachers. 


Notice of P&C AGM