Inside the Classroom

Stage 6 are off and learning in 2019!

Our wonderful Year 11 and Year 12 students have returned to school energised and ready to learn in 2019. Stage 6 students are engaged in a number of subjects – a mix of both mainstream and Life Skills learning opportunities.

Our primary goal is to prepare our students for the eventual graduation from the school environment in to their community. Selected students in Stage 6 have already commenced work placement in a number of positions and they all seem to be working hard and enjoying themselves.

As part of Work and the Community Life Skills, our students spend their Thursday morning exploring work opportunities that they may like to participate in. This week, we visited Huntley Berry Farm to see the prospects available there.

This massive enterprise at Huntley has supported and then employed many of our students. Our students enjoyed walking around the farm, feeding a number of farm animals, identifying growing vegetables and speaking with Tony, the Farm Manager.

If you have a workplace that you would like to show our students please contact Mrs Kovac at school and we will be right there.

Keep learning and stay positive in all that you do!


Mrs Christine Kovac

Stage 6 Leader

Introducing Class 5 in 2019

Kindergarten Students

A huge welcome to our new Kindergarten students for 2019.

Destiny enjoys being Mrs Wykes' helper ensuring that all classroom procedures are followed carefully. When being a student, Destiny likes to swing, play with all of the toys and paint. Harry likes to play with our basketball net and to watch Wiggles or fish on the Smartboard. He enjoyed finger painting and playing on the swing. Declan chats to his teachers and is very good at remembering staff members names. He spends his time dressing up as a firefighter and driving our classroom car to put out the fire. He makes many interesting things with playdough and happily plays with the toy cars. Ryan thoroughly enjoys swinging on the classroom swing and watching all of the other students playing. He likes laughing and giggling with his teachers.

Year One Students

Dante really enjoys playing in the tunnel in the outside play area or in our classroom tent. He likes to read or play with a variety of toys. Nelson has the biggest smile on his face when he is swinging on the swing or riding around in our classroom car. He enjoys laughing and playing with his teachers. Jacob is very happy when he arrives at school. He enjoys playing with the toy cars and his soldiers. Jacob enjoys spinning around in the saucer filled with cushions.

This term in Class 5, we are working on developing positive relationships, communicating and being curious about our classroom and our surroundings through exploration and play. 

We are looking forward to a fun filled year together.