College Notices 

Working bee thank you 

On Saturday 23 March, we held our first working bee for 2019 and we would like to warmly thank the more than thirty hard workers who attended. A combination of parents, students and staff (listed below) revitalised the gardens around the senior centre/science/food technology courtyard and painted the corridors of the main building. It really is amazing what can be achieved in a short time with our community working together. Once again, thanks to David Winter  for providing a generous morning tea from Bread Street. We hope all members of our community appreciate the efforts and treat the corridors and gardens with care as they go about their work. 

Thank you to the following attendees: 

Michelle AllenJon Sedawie
Angela    BoothGrazia Sedawie
Ava BoothDarren Sencek
Alfonso Constaneda  Rachel Sietzema
Louise ConstanedaRebecca Sietzema de Vries
Simon ConstanedaAllan Shadfer
Thomas ConstanedaMingxia Su
Andrew GiffordTara Payne
Dominique GiffordSuellen Whitebrook
Joe HealeyLou Will
Gary HowellMat Douglas
Jack HughesLesley Fulford
Alison JobsonSandra Greenhill
Martina JohnsonStace Kerr
James LiuMarianne Lee
Jason LiuGill Ross
Yvette Ross 

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Thank to our families and staff involved in parent/student/teacher conferences.  These sessions support  three-way partnership that exists in a child’s journey through school.  


We are aware that some teachers were unavailable as their appointment times filled up very quickly. If you missed out on an appointment, it is important that you now log into Compass with your child to view reports and teacher feedback. If the feedback indicates concerns, please email your child's teacher. 


If you are having any password issues logging onto Compass contact the general office for assistance. 

Interact Movie Night 

Tickets to the Interact Movie Night fundraiser are now available via Trybooking.  Details are as follows: 


Event:    Interact Movie Night - "Avengers Endgame"

When:    Friday 3 May 

Time:     Arrive 5:30 pm for 6 pm movie

                 An area is reserved pre-film for 30 mins  (Self-catering food)

Where:  Palace Balwyn Cinemas 


Trybooking Link:


Come along and help Interact raise funds for "Backpack Beds for the Homeless"


If you paid for a Fossicker last year and haven't received it, please ask your child to collect it from the general office.