Senior School News
February News
Welcome to Senior School for 2019, especially to our new students and staff.
I would like to introduce the Senior School Team for 2019 – Mrs Carmela Sant is the VCAL/VET Leader, Ms Kelsey Ryan the Year 12 Coordinator, Mrs Amber Galvin the Year 11 Coordinator, Mr Tim Davey Assistant Principal for Senior School and myself Angela Narayan-Butler the Senior Team Leader.
I have been teaching Science, Biology, PE and some Maths for many years in the area. During my teaching career, I have raised/am continuing to raise 4 children with my husband who is also a teacher. I know first- hand the challenges you face dealing with teenagers! We, in Senior School are very experienced and excited to work with you and your children to ensure they have a successful VCE experience.
Generally, students have made a positive start to the school year. Especially those new to the school. We have been impressed with the great work ethic displayed by many students. The set holiday homework was generally well done and really beneficial to students. Thanks to all parents and guardians for your great support in ensuring holiday homework was completed, and in equipping students with uniform and books.
In Senior School, we have 2 key non-negotiable focuses. Your support of these will ensure all teachers have the right to teach and your children the right to learn, and thus the best opportunities for success.
- Ready to Learn – all students are expected to class on time, fully equipped with a positive attitude following all teacher directions.
- Full school uniform- as the leaders in the school, we expect excellent role models.
Please speak with us if you have any concerns.
School Assessment Task Dates are included on this Newsletter and on Compass. These dates are really important. If students are absent from these, we require a medical certificate. This certificate must be handed to myself on return to school.
Remember students' attendance at school is important. 90% required for a VCE pass.
Students wishing to purchase a Year 12 jacket may still do so. Please contact Ms Ryan.
All students in VCE subjects have access to Edrolo. This is a fantastic on line resource that covers the study design material in subjects. Students need to be using this resource at least 3 times per week. Any issues need to be reported to the subject teacher.
Currently the following subjects are available:
Units 1 – 4 – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Business, Health, Methods, PE, English
Units 1 & 2 – General Maths
Units 3 & 4 – Food Studies, Further Maths, Legal Studies & Visual Communication
I would like to encourage you to use the following procedure to address concerns:
- Contact the Year Level Coordinator for student wellbeing, subject, uniform issues first
- Enquires about VCAL/VET to be directed to Mrs Sant
- Concerns to myself should you not be satisfied or able to contact the first point of contact, and if a serious issue needing immediate action – Mr Davey Assistant Principal
- Mr Davey or I will advise matters to the Principal. Appointments are necessary.
Great to see students making use of this facility (especially as it is air-conditioned!) available until 6:00 pm most nights. One of the best ways to learn is to teach someone else. It’s great to see many students using the whiteboards to do this. Awesome! (See Abdul in action below!)
Operates in the library Monday – Thursday 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm. Tutors available.
Thanks to the students who have shown great initiative in cleaning and setting up the kitchen area. There are many cups and students are encouraged to use the facilities and make a donation for tea, coffee, Milo and milk as appropriate.
The Year 12 VCAL students ably supported by Ms Baker and Mrs Sant will be cooking many sausages, providing sauce and drinks to the hungry at the swimming sports.
All Year 12 VCE students will be working to a slightly different timetable and are expected at school on this day.
The Senior School Team and Tutorial (Tute) teachers are working on an exciting plan for sessions. These include guest speakers from Universities including Melbourne, RMIT and ACU. A motivational speaker is under consideration, and study skills planned.
Just a reminder, that at this stage all students should have the required texts, calculators and other specific equipment. Please contact the Wellbeing team or us if you need assistance.
We look forward to meeting and working with you. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
Ms. Kelsey Ryan
Mrs. Carmela Sant
Mrs. Amber Galvin
Mr. Tim Davey
Mrs. Angela Narayan-Butler
-Senior School Team