Principal's Report

Principal's Report -

Week 1

Welcome everyone to the 2019 school year. I hope everyone has had a good break and are ready for the great year ahead that we have planned. We welcome all our new families and students into our safe and happy learning environment to start their education at Moyhu PS. New to our school are Chrystal and Allen Jones with Bryce in foundation; Chrissie and Kane Scanlon with Kolbie in foundation; and Katherine and Jason Harding with Amelia in year four. Jasmine Steele, younger sister of Kingston has also started in foundation. Please make all our new families and students welcome.


Australia Day

On behalf of the Moyhu Primary School, I would like to congratulate Briana Hogarth who finished year 6 last year, on receiving the Young Local Achiever of the Year award on Australia Day. 

Thank you

A big thank-you to everyone who helped getting  the school looking good for the start of the school year. The working bee was in the heat last Wednesday evening with more work being done over the weekend. The school certainly looked fantastic for the students on their first day back on Wednesday morning. 



The students always look great in their uniforms especially with most wearing the new t-shirts now. Don't forget all students do need to wear their hats in Term 1. We now have new hats for sale in the office. They are $14.00 each. Please contact Renee if you would like to buy one. Another reminder in regards to shoes, please ensure the shoes worn to school have an enclosed toe. Sandals can be worn as long as the toes and heels are enclosed.




Class Timetable

There have been a few small changes to the timetable this year. Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) program will be every second Tuesday this year instead of Mondays. This program continues to be held at Edi Upper Primary with our cooking teacher, Linda Forrest.  Bluearth will be held on every second Tuesday with Brandon Ryan (Swanny) on opposite weeks to MARC (Library) Van. Macc (Art) will continue to be every second Friday with Sandra Moore. 

The swimming program will be running the same as last year. We will be having lessons on Wednesday and Friday afternoons in our pool. 



Mosh is again running this year with Cheryl Impink looking after the program. Annette Shanley (Netty) will be helping Cheryl on nights when Cheryl is unable to attend due to other commitments. Please contact us if you wish to use the after school care. There program is running really well. We had a successful holiday program in January. 


Just to finish off for our first week back, I just want to let you all know that your student's teachers, Kate, Bec and myself as both teacher and principal are always available to catch up with you should you need to. I cannot emphasise enough, that communication within our school is very important and welcomed. Should you have any queries or issues about anything whether it seem insignificant or not, please contact the school directly to clarify or discuss. All the staff here at Moyhu Primary are always willing to assist in making our students education a positive and enjoyable experience. Sometimes an appointment will need to be made if we are teaching.


There will be copies of your student's enrolment details going home over the next week along with invoices and various permission forms Can you please return these as soon as possible so we can update any changes as it is important that we always have current contacts and details on file.



A quick reminder that our major school fundraiser is coming up on Sunday the 24th February. Please keep this date free to be able to attend and help out on the day. As most of you know, it is a great fun way to not only help make some money for your students at our school, but is an opportunity to meet other families from the community. A note will go home over the next week with more information about how you can help on the day. 

Rick Martin