Physical Education & Sport

Athletics Carnival

Congratulations go to Azul (blue) house who for the second year in a row take out the Athletics House carnival. Azul have also done the clean sweep in swimming & athletics two years in a row, well done to all students (& staff) who contributed to these wonderful results. We had 37 records broken and 34 new records set (we included hurdles for the first time this year) this was even better than the results at the swimming carnival.


Congratulations go to the following students whose results earned them age group champions this year.


Boys 12 - 13 Year Old - Hassan

Girls 12 - 13 Year Old - Aimee

Boys 14 Year Old - Will

Girls 14 Year Old - Larissa

Boys 15 Year Old - Archie

Girls 15 Year Old - Samantha

Boys 15 Year Old - Archie

Boys 16 Year Old - Ziyad

Girls 16 Year Old - Shakiba


On Wednesday 2nd May, we had a group of 68 students represent us at the Division Athletics day.


Paul Arney

Sport Co-ordinator


On the 4th of May the boys "A" tennis team competed in the second division of tennis. We had some close games with other schools but ended up not making it to the finals. The team was made up of six members who were William, Stellios, Willem, Romy, Gregory and Hamish. We had a good day playing tennis in the rain, and hopefully next year we can do it again. 

- Romy 


On Friday the 4th the girls tennis team competed in the second round of Inter-school sport. The players were: Jade, Saskia, Marcella, Aliah and Aimee W. Everyone played really well and tried there very best. We had lots of good rallies and close games. Unfortunately We didn't make it to the finals. Hopefully next year we can make it. Thank you to Samara for driving us to the venue and making sure we all played our very best. 

- Aimee

Moreland Division Athlethics

On Wednesday 2nd May, 59 Coburg High School attended the Moreland Division Athletics day. A massive team, with massive results and a massive supportive environment. Unfortunately a few people were unable to attend so we had students participate in extra events to help out our team. A huge thank you to Sam & James for helping out with the students and team on the day. A big Thank you to those students  who not only completed in their events but also assisted in running the Shot Put.


Congratulations to all place getters, those that finished 1st or 2nd will now have the opportunity to compete at the Northern Region Athletics day on Wednesday 5th September, we wish them the best of luck.


Paul Arney

Sport Co-ordinator


Our awesome place getters are

Ally -             3rd        U16 Girls 100m

Marnie -      3rd        U16 Girls 100m

Amalia -      3rd        U16 Girls 100m

Sasha  -       3rd        U16 Girls 100m

Erica  -          3rd        100m

Toby -           3rd        100m, 2nd 1500m

Alex -             3rd        Discus

Jasmine -    3rd        High Jump

Eleanor -     3rd       Triple Jump

Kyle -            3rd       Long Jump

Mitch -           3rd        Shot Put, 3rd Discuss

Daniel -         1st        U13 Boys 100m Relay

Hassan -       1st        U13 Boys 100m Relay,     

                         1st        Shot Put,

                         1st        Javelin,

                         3rd        Log Jump

Julian  -         1st        U13 Boys 100m Relay

Elliot -            1st        U13 Boys 100m Relay

Ziyad -           2nd       High Jump,

                         2nd       Shot Put,

                         1st        Javelin

Evie  -             1st        800m

Liam  -           1st        1500m

Anthony -     1st        Triple Jump,

                         2nd       100m,

                         1st         U14 Boys 100m relay

Will -               1st         400m, 1st 800m

Connor -       2nd       Triple Jump

Maybel  -       2nd       U15 Girl 100m relay

Emilia -          2nd       U15 Girl 100m relay

Isobel -           2nd       U15 Girl 100m relay

Sienna -         2nd       U15 Girl 100m relay

Sam -              2nd       Triple Jump,

                          3rd        High Jump

Nathan -        1st         100m,

                          2nd        U16 Boys 100m relay

Kamal  -          3rd        200m,

                           2nd       U16 Boys  100m relay

Alfie -               2nd       U16 Boys 100m relay

Kaelan -          2nd       U16 Boys 100m relay

Alice -               2nd       Javelin

Jimi -                1st        Javelin,

                            1st        U14 Boys 100m relay

Tony -                1st        U14 Boys 100m relay

Ryan -                1st        U14 Boys 100m relay

Lilli -                  2nd       Long Jump

Aimee -             2nd       1500m