School Community

Model UN Conference: Empowering Women & Girls

YEAR 10 DELEGATES - Friday September 7 at CHS 


A Model UN Conference runs over the full school day and is a creative simulation of the United Nations General Assembly where students represent Member States of the UN through role play and debate. In teams of three or four, students step into the shoes of country ambassadors and draw on negotiation and diplomacy skills to ensure their views are heard. Students interact with other delegates during the caucus sessions, present their country’s position to the General Assembly and move amendments to a Draft UN Resolution and its specific recommendations. The Model UN Conference is an opportunity for students to learn about international relations, the UN system and global issues, in a fun, dynamic environment, while developing negotiation and public speaking skills.


CHS is hosting a model United Nations in collaboration with the United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division)! The important topic of Achieving Gender Equality: Empowering Women and Girls.


We are able to have 4 teams. Please register you interest using the form below. 16 students can participate, with additional students to support in the preparation.


Enquiries to Chloe Tayler 


"We were given the chance to represent The Syrian Arab Republic on the topic of achieving gender equality by empowering women and girls. Leading up to the day we prepared a position statement, addressing the other countries about our research to allow a deeper insight into the current political and social situations to better inform them on the modifications we proposed to make. During the caucus, each country was given a chance to debate, discuss and support proposed changes to the amendments. The moderated caucus allowed countries to raise their placards and question changes or state their opinion, whereas during the unmoderated caucus we went around to other countries to find potential supporters. At the end of the afternoon we voted on the final resolution and came to the collective decision of creating a new clause to establish funding for programs and resources for women's health."

-Azalea and Hannah, Year 12 remembering last year's Model UN 

Year 9 Meditation Group

For the last 4 weeks, a group of Year 9 students have been spending 30 minutes a week with members of the Melbourne Buddhist Centre learning meditation and mindfulness strategies including body scan and awareness, breathing and movement. 


Meditation has been found to be a useful tool for reducing stress and anxiety, increasing concentration and happiness, and improving overall health.


The students found it to be a challenge but persevered, and learnt some new techniques along the way.


Student thoughts about the program:

  • “It’s a good 30 minutes”
  • “Meditation is hard”
  • “Sometimes when I need to release negative energy and anger it’s helpful”


Congratulations to all participants: 

9A: Leahana, Murphy, Stephanie

9B: Eva, Nina, Samantha

9C: Jai, Mitchell

9E: Alexandra,

9G: Amelia, Brodie


Thursday May 17 was IDAHOBIT!

IDAHOBIT is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. As a member of the Safe Schools Program since 2016, Coburg High School is proud to support this event each year. 


Earlier this term on April 30, students from Coburg High School and other Moreland schools, travelled to the Fawkner Police Station to participate in the Peace Patrol. The Peace Patrol was an event organised by Merri Health in support of IDAHOBIT and involved school students creating a mural on the wall of the Fawkner Police Station. The mural was created by participants throwing hundreds of paint filled water balloons at the wall, with the permission of the Fawkner Police of course! Senior officers from Victoria Police spoke at the event about their organisation's commitment to supporting LGBTIQA+ members of our community. For an explanation of the terms in the LGBTIAQ+ acronym, visit:


While IDAHOBIT provides organisations with an opportunity to show their support and allyship of the LGBTIAQ+ community, it is important to state that here at Coburg High School, we want every day to be a day where all of our students feel safe and included. This is regardless of their gender, gender identity, sexuality, cultural background or religious beliefs. Events such as IDAHOBIT remind us of the diversity of our school community and how important it is for for our school to be a safe, welcoming and inclusive place for all.


For more information about the Safe Schools Program, visit:


For information about Safe Schools at Coburg High School or about joining our Standout Group*, contact David Snaddon in the Student Wellbeing Team.


* A standout group is a group of staff and students who want to work towards making our school as safe and inclusive place for LGBTIAQ+ members of the school community.

Photo captions: 

  • Coburg students showing their support
  • The wonderful mural which can be seen along the wall of the Fawkner Police Station as you travel along the Upfield Train Line

Year 10 Legal Studies

ON the 27th April the year 10 Legal Studies students attended the County Court. They were able to observe a plea hearing involving a man pleading guilty to drug trafficking. Two County Court Judges also spoke to them about court processes and issues in sentencing. 

The Rio Tinto Big Science Competition

On Friday 11 May, Coburg took part in the Rio Tinto Big Science Competition, an international, 50 minute, 30 question multiple choice test. 39 students from Years Seven to Ten tried their hand at answering these analytical science questions from a range of topics.


Good luck to:

Year 7 - Lilli, Max, Liam, Oliver, Zac, Edwin, Hamish

Amelia, Ibrahim, Leo, Alistair, Beatriz, Maggie


Year 8 - Rupert, Tali, Luna, Merri, Ivy, Stephanie, Emma, Turlough, Karla


Year 9 - Kye Li, Paramita, Nicole, Severin, Tristan, Ilya, Clothilda, Michaela, Jack, Jacqueline


Year 10 - Gwendoline, Archie, Jasmine, Oscar, Charlotte, Gabe, Faiza


Results from the competition are expected to be published some time during Term Three and certificates will be handed out in the year level assemblies.

Attention Year 10

As your exams are fast approaching, Katherine, Anna, and Lakshmi are offering after school exam revision sessions for Science beginning Monday 28th May.


No one area for these sessions is scheduled; it will be for you to come in and work on any topic - Motion & Magnets, Genetics & Evolution, or Astronomy - that you would like to focus on.


Dates the sessions will be running:

Monday 28th May

Thursday 31st May

Monday 4th June

Thursday 7th June


Please meet in Lc5 by 3.30pm. The sessions will finish at 4.30pm.

Coburg High School Historical Group 

When the original Coburg High School in Bell Street, opposite the Town Hall, was closed a group of ex-students from the 1940s was able to retrieve many records and items from the building before it was ultimately demolished.

This group, after a couple of name changes, has become the Coburg High School Historical Group.   The leaders of the group are currently ex-students, mainly from the 1950s and 1960s, who remain committed to preserving the history of Coburg High School so that the students of today are aware of, and can build on, the rich history and tradition of the school.

Many items of memorabilia are stored in a room at the school and the students will be aware of the restored Honour Board above the stairs in Building C.                                                                        

We invite you to visit which contains a wealth of information and is constantly being updated

Year 10 Money Talks

Monday the 21 May to Thursday 24 May saw the year 10 Money Talks students start their own business using the $20 Boss programme. Students were given $20 capital and required to come up with a business plan. They were required to return the capital, but profit above the $20 was theirs to distribute as they saw fit; several divided the profit between themselves and a charity. They needed to plan for their business, including a budget, advertising and market research.


Stalls selling treats were popular, as were the dodgeball competition and frozen cheesecakes. There were also three-day computer games tournaments. What a wonderful job from all year 10 participants, who learnt a great deal about running a business, margins and profit in a real-world context. Congratulations to all involved.

Year 10 Global Conflict

Global Conflict students enjoyed some hands-on learning with a collection of artefacts from WWI and WWII which included medals, a slouch hat, helmet, gas masks and even currency from Japan’s invasion of the Phillipines. We had a great time investigating the importance of studying actual sources in order to understand history. 


‘You could see how soldiers really experienced the war, through the medals and the gas masks. We’ve talked about it in class but to see it in real life artefacts puts it in a new perspective.’ Riley 


‘To visually see what we have been learning in class was interesting. You could see the stories behind the times of war.’ Griffin

Reptile Encounter

Best of Leap Challenge 2