House Keeping Notices


In response to student demand for warmer winter attire, a Coburg High School jumper has been an option for students this year and students are encouraged to purchase a jumper as an alternative to wearing long-sleeved tops underneath polo shirts.  Students wearing  long sleeved tops must wear plain blue, black or white tops with no patterns or branding. 


Students and families are reminded that the Coburg High School uniform does not include grey pants or long-sleeved tops. Students can wear neat, plain blue or black pants that do not have highly visible branding. Hooded jumpers, leggings andathletic "Skins" are not allowed. 


When students are unable to wear their uniform to school, they must report to the Building A Staffroom where uniform will be provided. 


Uniform can be purchased from Lowes and Northland Shopping Centre and Broadmeadows Shopping Centre

No Gum Please! 

Chewing gum is banned at Coburg High School for the simple fact that it ends up on our paths, floors, tables and even our shoes. Please support the school by ensuring that students are not being provided with chewing gum, even if they claim it's for before and after school... it often isn't! 

Wet Weather! 

With the onset of some decidedly wintery weather, a few reminders about what to wear: Students can wear rain jackets to and from school that are not school uniform, but once at school, the jacket or jumper is the only clothing should be seen as outer wear. Hats are allowed to be worn to and from school and at recess and lunch. Head coverings, other than those that are for religious reasons, are not to be worn or taken to class. 

Asthma Action Plans

If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, we required to have a current Asthma Plan on file from your GP.  If you already have handed one in then please disregard this notice.  Asthma plans can be submitted either via email at or can be handed in to Reception.

**Please note Asthma Plans are only valid for 12 months and must be updated Annually**

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is on every Tuesday and Thursday from 8.00am - 8.45am in the bottom of Building A

Jam for Sale

Centenary of Coburg High School Publication

Copies of the wonderful publication 'Loyal in All: Centenary of Coburg High School 1916 - 2016' by two of our alumni, Elisabeth Grove and Laura Donati, are available for purchase at the school reception, until stocks run out. The book provides a fascinating and comprehensive history of Coburg High School from its establishment in 1916 on Bell Street through to our re-established Coburg High School here on Urquhart Street. 

For more information about our alumni, there is a dedicated website run by a committee of formers students: