Parents' Association

Coburg High Parents' Association

Coburg High Parents' Association aims to create opportunities for parents/carers to connect, participate and contribute to the school community and enhance their child's experience at Coburg High School. All members of the parent community are welcome to join the PA, with a very small joining fee of 5 cents to formalise this membership in accordance with the Department of Education's guidelines for Parent Clubs. With this membership, voting rights are given for decision making at regular meetings held twice a month. We'd love to see new members at our meetings - especially from new parents to ensure the PA continues to grow. The next meeting is 4th June.


The PA encourages feedback, ideas and discussion from all parents/carers - you don't have to be a member. We established a closed Facebook group in 2016 - Coburg High Parent Community - to create opportunities for parents to connect. Request to join now and, once you've answered some questions and are approved, you'll become one of nearly 300 members. It's a great source of information and a space for discussion. Look out for regular posts on Compass too, letting you know what activities and events are planned by the PA!


Another Facebook group was created at the end of last year to help with the buying and selling of secondhand school items - Coburg High School Secondhand Uniform and Book Sales. 


There's also an email address for direct contact -


On May 26th the PA and parent community were for the second year given the opportunity to conduct a Cake Stall and Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Coburg. It was a great success with around 50 parents and students volunteering and amazing items lovingly made for the Cake Stall. We even had principal Stewart Milner turning the sausages for a shift. Together we raised just under $3000 which will go towards buying a defibrillator for the school.


So if you'd like to get more involved and help plan more events - social and fundraising - please join us for the next meeting or contact the PA with your ideas and contributions. And keep a look out for posts on Compass and Facebook asking for help - we can only do this with volunteers and support from the entire parent community!