Coming Events
Dates to remember....
Don't forget to look on the calendar in XUNO for these and future events
19 Awards Evening at the Castlemaine Town Hall 7.30pm
20 Reports available online XUNO
21 End of Term 4
January 2019
23 CSC Office opens
28 Public Holiday - Australia Day
29 Staff Professional Learning Day
30 Mentor Day and School Photos
31 First day of classes for 2019
Awards Evening 19 Dec
CSC invites our school community to attend the 2018 Awards Evening at the Castlemaine Town Hall this coming Wednesday. Come along and share our students successes. Please arrive for a 7.30pm start.
Student texts/letters have been sent to those students requested to go on stage to be presented honours or a speciality award. All students are required to be in full uniform.
Looking for host families for the French exchange in 2019
Students studying French who will be in years 9, 10 or 11 in 2019 are invited to host a French student for two weeks next year.
A group of 16 students from Arras, France will be arriving on Monday the 1st April, 2019, which is the start of the last week of Term 1. They will be staying for two weeks on their exchange trip here and then later in the year many of them will host our students participating in the trip to France.
We will be organising school for the French students here at CSC on two days during the first week and also several excursions before the holidays start. The next week is holidays for you to spend time together. We already have some host families but need and would like more families to have this opportunity. It is a wonderful experience to host someone from France and they will enjoy practicing their English with you and discovering life in Australia. (Students, you can also get a bit of practice of French in as well). This is a really great way to make a friend from another country, possibly even a life-long friend you could visit one day in France, if you’re not already going on exchange right now.
For further details about hosting you can call me, Jane Macdonald, or Mark Johansson on 5479 1111 during school hours as soon as you can as we would like to let the French people know how many students they can bring over.