VALE Kyle Struhs
It was with great sadness that we learnt one of our former students, Kyle Struhs, died in a tragic accident on Friday 30 November. The CSC community expresses our deepest condolences to Kyle’s sister, Rylie, who has just completed Year 12 at CSC, and his parents Brett and Di.
We remember Kyle as a kind and gentle student and a very talented musician with a bright future ahead of him.
If there are members of our school community who would like extra support following this tragedy, I urge you to contact me at the College so that I can arrange support from the College’s wellbeing staff or through the Department of Education.
End-of-Year Farewell
Since this is our last newsletter for the year, I take this opportunity to wish our school community a safe and relaxing Christmas break, as well as thanking everyone for their support throughout the year. For those families whose children have now finished their education at CSC, I thank you for your involvement in our school and wish you all the best as your children transition to further studies or employment.
Our 2019 school year commences with Parent-Mentor-Student interview day on Wednesday 30 January, before classes commence on Thursday 31 January. All families will receive a letter in the mail around the 21 January confirming their children’s mentor group for 2019 and outlining the process for booking a Parent-Mentor-Student interview for Wednesday 30 January.
Paul Frye