VCE News

Congratulations to all VCE students on a smooth transition to the 2019 school year.
Below are a list of key VCE dates and important reminders:
Presentation Ball Information Night - Wednesday 20 February 6:30pm in the Cranbourne Community Theatre. Further information is available on COMPASS. This is a compulsory meeting for all interested participants.
Year 12 VCE Parent Information Night - Tuesday 26 February 7:00pm in V Block. We will be inviting all parents of VCE Year 12 students to attend this night. The purpose of this evening is to inform parents about the key aspects of the VCE Year 12 program and support strategies. A letter will be sent home shortly with more information.
Progress Reports – All Year 11 and Year 12 VCE students will receive a progress report on Friday 22 February for each individual subject they undertake. These will be available on COMPASS. It is important that parents review these reports with their child and discuss any areas of concern.
Attendance - Families are reminded that it is an expectation at Year 11 or Year 12 VCE when any student is absent, a medical certificate must be provided and to contact the absence hotline (5990 8134) on day of absence.
V Block Facilities - Students from Year 11 and Year 12 VCE are reminded that Study Hall, V6, is an opportunity for additional private study before and after school.
Unit 1 and Unit 3 Course Changes - All courses are now finalised, and therefore no further changes will be possible.
VCE Team
Tim Bray, Jade Vernon, Sharon Linsell