IMPORTANT DATES for your Diary

Friday 22nd
Year 12 VCAL Torquay Camp
ADF Careers Expo
Progress Reports due
Monday 25th
Year 7 & 8 Photo Day and catch up photos for Years
Tuesday 26th
Year 12 VCE Parent Information Night 7.00pm
Wednesday 27th
Swimming Carnival (for students who have signed up)
Thursday 28th Whole School Assembly
Friday 1st
Curriculum Day, Student Free, Office will be closed on this day
Monday 4th
Whole School Progress Reports open
Wednesday 6th
Year 7 Immunisations
Year 10 Outdoor Ed
Surf Excursion
Thursday 7th
Year 11 VCAL Holocaust Musuem
Monday 11th
Labour Day Public Holiday
Thursday 14th
Division Swimming
Year 11 VCAL Plan your own excursion
Friday 15th
Bullying - No Way day
Wednesday 20th
Year 7 & 8 Sports
Thursday 21st
Year 11 VCE and VCAL P.A.R.T.Y Excursion