Welcome to the first Newsletter for 2019 and I hope that everyone had the chance to relax and enjoy the holiday period.
We have had a smooth and successful start to the academic year, even though we continue to operate as a school in the middle of major building works happening around us. This is always going to be a challenging experience but credit to our school community for their patience and understanding as we navigate our way through this difficult period. I’m in the privileged position of being able to access the new building and I can assure everyone the new facility is most impressive indeed. The Science & Technology Wing is rapidly taking shape, and will be ready for operation from the beginning of term 2.
I’ve been extremely pleased with the way our Junior students have embraced the new courtyard. It is a hive of activity with students playing a variety of ball games and generally being involved in healthy active play. It is a great example of the way in which a facility can positively impact the wellbeing of students and I’ve never seen so many students in the area at once.
This is simply one of many examples to highlight the positive start to the year, and I know there will many others as you read the first edition of our Newsletter.
There is a lot to look forward to in 2019 and I am pleased to be able to share the highlights from our great school with all readers of our Newsletter throughout the year ahead.
I hope you enjoy our newsletter.
John Jovic
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