
Middle and Senior School Student Leaders


Amazing Race winners, Tilly, Eunice & Amber.
Amazing Race winners, Tilly, Eunice & Amber.

Chelsea Christelow and Mardi Easton ran an induction day with the Middle and Senior School Leaders. They played get to know you games, studied some examples of leadership in the Bible, thought about values and strengths, set some goals and headed over to Knox for an Amazing Race activity. The winners of the Amazing Race were Tilly, Eunice and Amber.

Mardi Easton

Senior School Teacher


After a long summer of drought and fires, the community at Bairnsdale Christian Community School needed some relief, encouragement and support. The school has no chaplain/counsellor and staff (with virtually no holiday) are coping with students who have come back to school traumatized in some way from all the fires.  A team from St Andrews Christian College travelled to BCCS to extend the hand of friendship and do something practical for the school. 

St Andrews MSL Team
St Andrews MSL Team

Bairnsdale CCS is a small primary school of 53 students plus a kindergarten of 3 and 4 year olds. Our focus was to encourage (through talks, devotions and by just listening when needed), pray with them and run some exciting activities (ART, MUSIC and SPORT) for the students to allow some relief for staff. The team consisted of 9 amazing students from Year 11 and 4 staff. 


Sally Darlison led students in the ART activity where together they designed and painted a long shed (their current Art Room). The results were OUTSTANDING!

Stephen Leslie led music activities and a song writing workshop which culminated in a song they composed about the fires, their emotions and the hope we have in Jesus. It was a FANTASTIC song!

Andrew Farmer led students in games and soccer activities, which was so enjoyed by all who participated. They had a ball!

Catriona Wansbrough ran devotions and workshops for the staff whilst the rest of our team kept the students busy.

Harry Rowland from Year 11 gave a wonderful devotion to the whole school community on Tuesday.



I am so proud of all our students from St Andrews who gave up a couple of days to go and share, play with, guide and befriend the students at BCCS, assist our teachers in all the activities, and really be MAD (Make a Difference) and impact the community at BCCS.


Our team were all flexible, well prepared and always willing to share resources, skills, friendship and a listening ear. I thank our staff – they are incredible and Stephen’s wife, Wendy who also volunteered her time to help and be MAD!


Please continue to pray for this special little school and community as they continue to be a light for all in Bairnsdale.


Catriona Wansbrough



We would like to invite you to our 1st Working Bee for 2020, to be held on Saturday 29th February @ 9:00am – 12:00 noon.

Our Working Bee will be a great time for you to get involved and take pride in our fabulous College and we invite you and your children to help with this important school community event. If you can only come for an hour, that would be will be a great help.

The Working Bee creates a greater ownership of the College and encourages students to care of the gardens and facilities we are creating.

We are working on creating a clean and tidy school with gardens and plants that are indigenous to this area and we plan to undertake the following tasks:

-          General Garden maintenance including weeding, clearing leaves, some planting, etc

-          Replenishing the garden beds with mulch

-          Replenishing the playground areas with soft play mulch

-          Rubbish collection

-          Cobwebs eviction

-          Cleaning of the drinking troughs


If you have any of the following tools you can bring, that would assist as we only have a limited supply:

-          Hand shovel

-          Gloves - Spade - Shovel - etc

-          Wheelbarrow


Attendance at the Working Bee is also a way to ‘work off’ your Parent Participation Hours.

If you find yourself available and able to come, please inform me by email at so that we can adequately prepare the tasks and morning tea.


Ted Waterman

Grounds and Maintenance Manager



“Each week thousands of groups meet in more than 70 countries for chapter-by-chapter Bible Study. Hundreds of thousands of members around the world, studying God’s Word together. Verse by verse, we approach the Bible as God’s Truth, to be studied, savoured and lived out. We believe God’s Word speaks across cultures to every one of our 400,000+ members around the world. Whether new to the Bible or a seasoned reader, we explore Scripture together.”   

- Information taken from Bible Study Fellowship (


We host a BSF class (satellite group) for Women (18+ years) at St Andrews! We meet on Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30pm, during the school term, in the Senior School Library. If you are interested in joining the class or would like some more information, please come along or send an email to

Sonia Sires

BSF class member, Templestowe - Evening Women



As we begin the 2020 school year at St Andrews we extend a warm welcome to all new staff as well as new students. If you see these new faces around the College be sure extend a happy hello. We look forward to seeing God unfold their gifts and talents within our College community.   


Michael Swanborough
Michael Swanborough

Michael Swanborough - Head of Learning and Teaching and Maths Teacher

Hi, my name is Michael Swanborough and I am excited to be joining St Andrews Christian College in the role of Head of Learning and Teaching and Mathematics teacher. I have been teaching in Christian schools for over 30 years and have had a number of senior leadership roles during this time. I have a passion to work with staff to provide excellent learning opportunities for all students so that they can be all that God has created them to be.

Outside of school, I love being involved in physical activity and particularly enjoy playing golf and running. Last year I completed my first half-marathon and am looking to complete another one (maybe two…) this year.


Tayla Moss
Tayla Moss

Tayla Moss - Year 2 Teacher

Hi I'm Tayla Moss and I have the pleasure of teaching Year 2 at St Andrews Christian College this year. I graduated from ACU last year where I studied a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood and Primary. This my first year teaching and I am really looking forward to beginning my career as an educator. I love to cook, spend time with family and friends, and of course love anything chocolate! I am really looking forward to the year ahead and working in the St Andrews community.


Nikki Miao
Nikki Miao

Nikki Miao - Middle School Chinese Teacher

Hello, my name is Nikki Miao and I am a caring teacher who graduated a Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science at University of South Australia and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching in Secondary at University of Adelaide. I am now involved in women’s fellowship and leading young adults’ group in Holy Trinity Doncaster (Mandarin Congregation). I used to teach in Bacchus Marsh College for two years as a Chinese teacher and tutored Science subjects back in Adelaide. In my spare time, I love being outdoors, spending time with friends (& feeding them), watching movies and documentaries. I am so excited to be teaching at St Andrews this year and to work in God’s plan, to use the gifts He gave, to serve others as He said, to influence the lives of next generation for His glory!


Natalie Nheu
Natalie Nheu

Natalie Nheu - Year 6 Teacher

Hi there! My name is Natalie Nheu and I am so excited to be teaching at St Andrews this year. I've recently completed a double degree (Bachelor of Education (Hons) and Bachelor of Music) at Monash University and am so grateful that God has given me this opportunity to teach a wonderful group of Year 6 students. When I have a spare moment, I love to be crafty! I love to make jewellery (especially funky earrings), paint pottery, embroider and attempt sewing. I also love being in nature, being with animals, playing social netball, making music, travelling with my best friend, and spending time with my Heavenly Father. It's been an incredible start to the term and cannot wait to see God work in this school!


Fiona Dobrzynski
Fiona Dobrzynski

Fiona Dobrzynski - Senior School Teacher - Year 10 & 11

I'm a mother of 5 and grandmother of 2. In December this year, it'll be 30 years of marriage. I love travel, reading, music, making digital photobooks and...when I get time...crocheting. My favourite novel is 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte. This year, I am teaching Year 10 and Year 11 English classes but I've been here as a CRT (emergency teacher) since 2015. It was Miss Elliott (Grade 3 teacher here) who told to me to come and try working at St Andrews as she was sure I'd like it. When she's right, she's right. I love it!


Rachel Press
Rachel Press

Rachel Press - Senior School Admin

My name is Rachel Press, I have been working in reception/admin and more recently recruitment for the past 6 or 7 years. I love to be organised and methodical about my work and therefore I find a career in administration really suits me. Some of my hobbies include dancing, singing, reading and socialising with my friends. I am so grateful to be working for St Andrews in a Christian environment and the welcoming, warm and caring staff.



Eunice Ko
Eunice Ko

Eunice Ko - Maths and Science Teacher

God has been a huge part of my uni life and it was a time where I came to know God and the Gospel in depth and take Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Since then, I had been involved in uni ministry where I got to know students who had yet to know God and built a relationship with them. It equipped me with the skills to let the Gospel shine in various contexts and through it, I grew in understanding of the overflowing love God has for everyone that is created in His image.

My passion in sharing the gospel has brought me to St Andrews where I can talk about the wonderful news brought by the blood of Jesus, the great message of being called children of God. And I thank God for it. In my free time I also enjoy hiking and reading. I especially love going on road trips during the holidays to appreciate God’s wonderful creation. I look forward to see what God has in store for the school this coming year.


Greetings to all! Another school year has commenced, and we want to come before the Lord and spend some time together in prayer for the school. It is always a real blessing and encouragement to remind ourselves of the goodness of our Lord in our own lives and in the life of the College.

We are having a PRAYER EVENING on

2nd March 2020 at 7:30 – 8:30pm

in the Meeting Room - Innovation Centre.

All are invited to this time of prayer. If you cannot make the prayer time, please put aside time to pray for St Andrews Christian College.


The St Andrews Prayer Group would also like to welcome and invite all parents to come along and join in prayer, with other parents, for the needs of the St Andrews College community.

Meetings are held once a week at the following time: Wednesdays 8:45am (after school drop off)


Prayer is held in the Meeting room, next to the Reception area and all are welcome. It is a great opportunity to join in fellowship with other parents.


We are greatly blessed at St Andrews to have the opportunity to gather together for prayer. As Christians we are called to pray, and we encourage parents to join us. Be reassured that you do not have to pray out loud if you are not comfortable in doing so.


“And pray ….on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints” 

- Ephesians 6:18 NIV.


“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV.


“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose”. 

- Philippians 2:1, 2 NIV.


Any further queries can be directed to Suzy Song at the School Office.

Suzy Song

The St Andrews Prayer Group


It is very busy around the College and the surrounding streets during the morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Please be patient and drive safely at all times around the College campus.


For safety reasons, pedestrians should not walk through the staff and administration car parks.

To ease congestion, some parents have arranged to pick up senior school students at Knox Shopping Centre. This is an option you may want to consider, but we would only recommend this for senior students.

Please be aware that Knox Council regularly observes car parking around the College. If a vehicle is incorrectly parked, they will photograph the vehicle’s registration plate and issue a fine and post it to the car owner.


We also ask that if you are parking in the nearby streets to be considerate to neighbours ensuring that driveways are not blocked, or used to drop off students.


Avonwood Close – This is a narrow ‘court’ and the residents have asked that the parents only park on one side of the street. At times cars have parked on both sides of the street, makes it impossible for resident to enter or exit their properties.

Your cooperation and understanding will be appreciated.


Darren Waterworth

Business Manager


Below are the dates of extra holiday programs that OSHC will be running to assist parents. 

This year is the first year that the OSHC will be offering a Monday – Friday holiday program for the first week of each School Holidays, and in December there is an 8 day program on offer.  


Student Free Day CareSchool Holiday Program - Week Days Only 

Thursday 27th February

Tuesday 14th April

Friday 5th June

Tuesday 4th August

Friday 20th November

Monday 30th March - Friday 3rd April

Monday 29th June - Friday 3rd July

Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th July

Monday 21st - Thursday 24th September (*)

Wednesday 9th - 18th December

(*) AFL Grand Final Holiday is Friday 25th September, 2020


We hope this will be helpful.

Sally Wade

OSHC Coordinator