Primary News

Primary Public Speaking Competition

Each year, students from Years 3 - 6 are involved in our Public Speaking Competition. Throughout Week 7 (beginning 2 September) students will be presenting their speeches in class. To be eligible for the finals, students must be ready to present from the Monday of Week 7. Semi-finalists are chosen from each of the class groups within the grade. These students then give their speech to the whole grade and between 4 and 6 (depending on the grade size) finalists are chosen. Parents of finalists are specifically invited to the finals which will be held in Week 9 on Thursday, September 19, 2019. Parents do not attend the in-class presentations.



* All students are required to present a speech, on any chosen topic, to their class. We suggest that students choose something that they can speak knowledgeably about. 

* Speeches are written and rehearsed at home. 

* Parents are allowed to offer as much support as they can - this can include helping your child to write their speech. 

* Students are encouraged to use palm cards (not pages) during the presentation of their speech. 

* Time limits for speeches Year 3 and 4: 3-4 minutes, Year 5 and 6: 4-5 minutes. 


The criteria for judging include how the speaker:

* Captures and maintains the interest of their audience.

* Makes eye contact.

* Delivers their speech fluently. 

* Meets the given time frame. 

* Relies on their notes. 


Should you have any questions regarding your child’s participation in the Public Speaking Competition, please contact their classroom teacher.

The Big Write Continues.....

Following our first round of Big Writes towards the end of Term 2, we have received wonderful feedback regarding the excitement and genuine interest of parents being involved in their children's writing process. Keep an eye out, as there are more coming this term!! Once again, we will invite parents to discuss the writing stimulus with their children prior to the Big Write day (through Talk Homework), to assist with the development of some great ideas for their writing.

Thank you for your continued support in the learning of your children.

Enrolment in the Sacrament of Reconciliation

The sacramental program for Reconciliation begins in August 2019. It will be celebrated on Tuesday 24th September 2019 at 6:00pm at St Francis Xavier Church, Moree. There has been a slight change in the sacramental programs for 2019 and ALL Catholic children who are in Year 2 or above are eligible to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (This was previously a sacrament for students in Year 3 or above. Please note, students in Year 3 will receive both the Sacrament of Reconciliation AND the Sacrament of the Eucharist in 2019 - the Eucharist to be received during Term 4).


Formal enrolment in the program will be at one of the weekend Masses - either Saturday 17th August at 6pm, Sunday 18th August at 7:30am or 9:30am. This will be followed by a formation session in the church (which will be repeated on Monday 19th August at 3:30pm). The remainder of the the instruction for the sacrament will occur within the school setting, prior to a rehearsal for the sacrament on Sunday 22nd September at 10:30am (repeated on Monday 23rd September at 3:30pm).


Students will bring home a printed copy of the attached enrolment form this week. Please fill out and return to the Parish Centre office, or bring with you on the day of enrolment. DO NOT RETURN THESE TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. 

We thank you for continuing to be the first teachers in faith for your children, and we look forward to supporting you and your children on the sacramental journey.