Term 2 Week 11



In reading, we will continue to use Picture Story Books as our focus for literature. This week our book,  'Refugees' by David Miller, explores the notion of habitat loss from the perspective of two ducks. This text provides a platform to explore the theme of habitat loss for animals and forced migration that occurs to people.


To develop the reading comprehension strategies of thinking about the text, thinking within the text and thinking beyond the text  the students will work through optional literacy activities in 'Refugees Literacy Menu'. 


In Word Study, we will continue looking at the jobs of silent final 'e'. 

Job One - 'the silent 'e' at the end of a word, jumps over the consonant to make a vowel say its second sound (its long vowel sound). E.g. bake, hate. (Some programs refer to this as 'bossy e' or 'magic e'.)

Job Two 'v' and 'u' - the silent final 'e' at the end of the word stops 'u' and 'v' from being at the end of the word. E.g. behave, glue.

Job Three 'c' and 'g' - the silent 'e' allows 'c' and 'g' to say their second sounds of /sss/ and /j/ at the end of a word. E.g. chance, change.

Job Four - every syllable must have a vowel. If the last syllable doesn't have a vowel, then silent final 'e' will take place at the end of the word. Eg lit tle,    stub ble,    a ble.

Job Five - the silent final 'e' is an imposter! It's not needed for any job but has still tacked on to the end of the word. eg horse, nurse.


For those of you parents who are also ‘learning from home’ here are the next 2 videos of Secret Agent Silent Final e’s adventures. (Please note, we will be showing these to the students in class this week, so please don’t let them see it yet!)



Number and Algebra. This week students will be solving addition and subtraction problems involving money. Students will add money values together and work out the correct change to the nearest five cents. Students will have the opportunity to use these skills in a shopping scenario.   


Measurement and Geometry.

In Measurement and Geometry students are looking at the concept of 'location', including recognising the purpose of maps and using the features of different maps, eg legends, scale, direction.


Unit of Inquiry

This final week of our inquiry students will reflect upon their learning and understanding of the concepts: migration, chronology, causation and change. Students will also continue with their own personal inquiry into their own family heritage. They will present their research and visually tell their own migration story.  



This week back in the classroom we are continuing to focus on providing time and opportunity for students to practice mindfulness to support Wellbeing strategies. We will continue with guided meditation with the Cosmic Kids program. 'Peace Out' is a series of guided meditations and visualizations for children by Jaime Amor. 

We encourage students to continue to use the Wellbeing strategies they enjoyed most. 




Monday June 22

Booking open for Parent / Teacher conferences. Please note these will occur in week one & two next term, via video conferencing on Google Meet.


Friday June 26

Last day of term 3 - 2:30pm finish for Grade 3.

School reports to be distributed via Compass.


Monday July 13 

Term 3 Commences 


Thank you to Bayside Mayor Clarke Martin.

During our unit on rules and laws, students submitted questions via SeeSaw for the Bayside Mayor, in regard to how local council operates. We are very grateful to Cr Clarke Martin for taking the time to create this video response to as many questions as he could.

Grade 3 Team

Sylvia Zanati (3A), 

Georgia Kirk (3B), 

Amanda Kerr & Shae Langford-Jones (3C), 

Bill Kolivas (3D), 

Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit).