On-line learning 

Grade 5/6

The inquiry topic this term for the 5/6 students is Government and understanding what Local, State and Federal government do. As they have learnt about the importance of Rules, Rights and Responsibilities, the students have created their own Leader or Minister and listed down the key responsibilities this leader will need. Here are some examples:




Position: Minister for Mountain Bikes

Summary of Position: To enhance mountain bike owner ship and use

Key responsibilities:

  • Make sure every family has jumps in their back yard
  • Every park must have a mountain bike trail
  • All students in this state must participate in the annual mountain bike race
  • Yearly inspections to make sure households have mountain bikes in their sheds
  • All transport must be on bikes – no cars permitted
  • Ensure all emergency service bikes have flashing lights
  • Host a memorial each year at a mountain bike track for past ministers

Useful Personality Traits:

  • Loves outdoors
  • Enthusiastic
  • Active


Position: ‘Every day is a Musica Chief Executive Officer [CEO]

Summary of Position: This position involves walking around the neighbourhood and making others happy by dancing and singing. You will encourage others to join in the fun. All songs and dances must be original and made up on the spot, creativity is encouraged. NO Thriller dance, Bus stop, Maharana or Conga Line are allowed.


Key Responsibilities:

  1. Make people happy by dancing.
  2. Carry iPod and Bluetooth speaker wherever you go.
  3. Always have on your uniform of- Pinata costumes, jazz dancing shoes and pockets full of lollies.
  4. Have a new dance routine prepared for each day.
  5. No talking to people, YOU MUST sing or mime all conversations.
  6. Make sure you always have a backup escape plan if your audience does not like musicals.
  7. Be prepared for any sort of reaction, including vomiting, singing along, toe tapping, going crazy and anger.
  8. If asked to dance, you must dance.
  9. No messy hair.
  10. Bring a backup bag filled with hair accessories and a mirror or two.

Useful Personality Traits:

  • Must be creative
  • Must be full of zestful energy
  • Must enjoy adventure



Position: President of the hand sanitiser society

Summary of Position: President of a society promoting the excellence and helpfulness of hand sanitiser. The world must be clean.

Key responsibilities:

  • Patrolling the streets making sure that everyone has hand sanitiser inn their hand or even in their pocket
  • Giving speeches about cleanliness and safe hand sanitising
  • Giving out free samples
  • Persuading people to join the cause in a positive way
  • Demonstrations – ‘Go Hand Sanitiser!’
  • Raising awareness – making a website
  • Come to services like clean ups – assist there and persuade there as well
  • Smile

Useful Personality Traits:

  • Leadership
  • Being germophobic
  • Courage
  • Perseverance


Physical Education


Grade 3 Cooking


Grade 2 Reflections on Learning at home 


There are some reasons learning at home was great. First, I loved meetings because I love to see you all. I like math because I loved learning shapes to learn more. Writing helps me learn very much. 


There were some things I find tricky learning at home. Coding was too hard and I kept losing. I don't really understand jokes and I copy someone’s answer. Sometimes it is too noisy at home and I tell everyone to be  quiet for reading.


At home I learnt a lot. First I learnt about shapes because the circle has 1 curved side.

I also learnt how to measure without a ruler. I learnt how to write a procedure like how to build a boat.


When I go back to school I'm looking forward to seeing my classmates and the teachers. I like that we can see our rock climbing wall and that we can see Mrs Taylor.

By Eh Tha Yu



The google classroom, studyladder and sunshine classics are what I learned at home.  I made breakfast by myself and I drank a cup of milk every morning. I’m very happy that I saw my friends at a Webex meeting. This time I got to see my family a lot and with my          sisters. Sometimes I helped my mom cook, clean and pack up our stuff. 


I couldn’t do very fast typing, but I can do slow typing. The instructions are sometimes hard for me and I don’t understand how to do it so I ask you (the teacher) and I watch your video. It was hard when I joined the Webex meeting and I didn’t know how to join it so you told me and I knew. Then, some of the maths was so difficult and my mom helped me.                                                                                                     

I try to learn computer skills and they are hard but I keep trying. Now the measuring and some shapes I already know. I got a new skill. Now I can write an information report a little bit and also the procedure I can do a lot. 


When I come back to school I want to see the new playground first.  I want to learn art, Italian, music, PE and performing arts.  I’m excited to see all my friends and my teacher. And also I'm happy playing with my friends. I don't have a friend at home so I can’t wait come to school.         

By Kim Boih


Maths was my favourite because it was fun and I got to play lots of fun games. The WebEx meetings were delightful, I got to see my friends and my teacher. My baby sister and I played chasey all through my breaks. Since my school started at home I could sleep in. When school ended my dad would take me on a bike ride. I loved spending time with my family and seeing my dad's family on the phone.                 


Writing was hard for me because I couldn't find all the letters on the keyboard. It was really hard not having my teacher around because she helps me with things like that. When it is PE  it is hard because I have a small backyard and that makes it tricky. When I am working my baby sister types on my work and I get mad at her. 


While I was at home I learnt how to use google classroom. I am happy because I do not need much help with it. When I was at school I could not skip, but my mum taught me when we were doing home schooling. I am excited because I just learnt to ride my bike and my dad taught me how to ride my bike.


When I go back to school I am looking forward to maths because maths is fun for me. I also look forward to doing writing with partners. I can't wait to see my art and italian teachers and see what new work we'll be doing. Playtime is the best with my friends, we love playing doggies, running around together. I really like walking with Sophie. It is a great start to my day, I look forward to when we are allowed to do that.

By Savannah