Outside School Hours Care

Outside School Hours Care

Welcome back to all students who have returned to OSHC over the past couple of weeks. We have been making the most of the sunny days but winter is definitely upon us with the reduced daylight hours.  Thank you to all families for your co-operation with the changes to pick up and drop off procedures too. 


What else is happening in OSHC?


  • Acknowledging NAIDOC Week with some special activities such as 'Dot Art'. If any parents have boomerangs at home they are willing to let us borrow for an afternoon that would be great.
  • Biscuit decoration using some new cookie cutters.




Fees will resume from next term for using the OSHC service. Families with outstanding accounts will receive a statement this week. Please make payment via Electronic Funds Transfer using the instructions on your invoice. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact Kim Barker via the details below.


Booking Procedure

To make a booking, please follow the booking procedures outlined on the school website via the following link: http://www.teesdaleps.vic.edu.au/oshc.php?id=31


As per previous correspondence, bookings will no longer be taken via the office.


From the OSHC Team