Did somebody say FIVE

sets of TWINS?

The Year 7 Advisers, Mr Wilcox and Ms Cupac, spend their mornings walking through 12 different Connect classes to check in on all their fantastic Year 7 students and ensure that they are well prepared for the school day.


Upon Year 7's return in Week 5, Mr Wilcox started to notice that there was something strange going on. He was convinced that he was seeing double but didn't know how to tell Ms Cupac. Funnily enough, Ms Cupac was experiencing the same thing. 


​Both Mr Wilcox and Ms Cupac had imagined that they were seeing the SAME student, in TWO different classrooms. They sat at their desks, Mr Wilcox in his staff room and Ms Cupac in hers, wondering how to get to the bottom of this - completely unaware that they were both thinking about the same thing. 


The next morning, before they started their morning visits, they began to tell each other about the possibility of being in two places at once. 


As Mr Lane was approaching the year advisers, he had overheard their conversation. He crept up behind them and listened to the theory of one person being in two places at once and looked at them shocked and confused, "What on earth are you two talking about?" he asked.  Mr Wilcox and Ms Cupac started to explain their theory, with such enthusiasm and excitement... "It's possible, it's really really possible," Mr Wilcox yelled. Mr Lane looked at the year advisers with confusion and said, "So you are seeing the same student in two different classrooms?... what if I told you, we had twins in our cohort?". The year advisers looked at each other, "twins?", Ms Cupac whispered... "but that doesn't explain the fact that we are seeing double of multiple students." 


Mr Lane shook his head and smiled at the year advisers, almost like he knew that he was about to really make their day... "Mr Wilcox and Ms Cupac, the reason why you both feel as though you are seeing multiple students is because we have five sets of twins in our Year 7 cohort. Yes, FIVE." 


The year advisers gasped, and began running around the quad with excitement yelling, "Five" at the top of their lungs. They could not hold their excitement in, they felt like they needed to do more... SO THEY DECIDED TO SHARE THE AWESOME NEWS WITH THE CECIL HILLS COMMUNITY! 


Say hello to our awesome twins: 

Jayden & Tyler Cluff, 

Alex & Peter Duong, 

Mikayla & Dena Khushaba, 

Joseph & Jessica Zaya and 

Ahmed & Mohammed Akkouch.


Miss Cupac & Mr Wilcox

Year 7 Advisers