Coronavirus Update

A Guide for Parents & Carers

In line with health advice, schools are operating full time and many additional activities are now able to recommence.


All schools have returned to full-time face-to-face learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools are able to recommence the majority of school-based activities from either 15 June or the start of Term 3 (20 July). Some activities are continuing to be considered. 


The following principles underpin these guidelines: 

• schools continue to be safe and operations are in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines 

• existing infection control protocols at schools, and new health and safety measures put in place will help maintain the health and safety of students and staff 

• all activities permitted at school are safe and appropriate in a living with COVID-19 environment. School students do not need to follow strict adult physical distancing guidelines, but should follow good hygiene practices including: 

• washing hands regularly

• avoid sharing drinks or food 

• coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a tissue which should be discarded immediately 

• filling water bottles from drink stations, rather than drinking from them directly. 


School attendance 

All students should be at school unless: 

• they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition with the expected time frame 

• they are currently unwell


School activities/School site usage 

The majority of school-based activities can recommence, as long as the following measures are observed: 

• all visitors and external school providers must adhere to relevant hygiene, distancing and safety protocols 

• principals may continue to restrict, limit or prohibit activities if they are seen as contrary to the current health advice 

• external providers and visitors are required to demonstrate compliance with health and safety requirements including adhering to strict guidelines and completing relevant forms • non-essential adults are still not permitted on school grounds or at school events – this includes parents/carers unless specifically approved by the principal. 


Physical distancing 

Physical distancing of children in schools is not required under the AHPPC guidelines. Research has shown limited transmission risk associated with school children in the school environment. 


All adults must maintain physical distance from each other (1.5m) including teachers, support staff and parents. 


Schools should ensure school pick up and drop off arrangements enable parents to physically distance from one another and from staff. 


School cleaning & hygiene supplies 

The school will continue to receive additional cleaning in line with the AHPPC guidelines and advice from NSW Health. Target areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces including door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. There will also be additional cleaning of toilets and drink stations and regular top ups of supplies like soap. 


The school has received supplies of soap, hand sanitiser, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes and personal protective equipment. The school is able to order more as needed. 


School activities return & timeline 

Activities/site usage that can already take place: 

• Use of the school library 

• Engage in non-contact sporting activities 

• Canteens and uniform shops can open at principal’s discretion 

Year 11 and Year 12 students may attend classes/activities relating to subjects available on other campuses

• VET work placement for Year 12 students is able to proceed from 1 June 2020. School based apprenticeships and traineeships can recommence once the relevant workplaces are back in operation 

• Trade Training Centres can operate on school sites


Activities/site usage that can take place from Monday 15 June 2020 

• School assemblies (limited to 15 minutes and no external visitors) 

• Choirs and performing arts at school, with safety protocols in place 

• Students may attend other schools for essential curriculum related reasons or placements (e.g. auditions or placement tests) 

• Hydrotherapy pools can be used 

• Incursions/external providers can provide activities that support delivery of curriculum (e.g. music tutors, sport skills development programs, science demonstrations, drama tutors, Healthy Harold). 

• Extra-curricular activities for students such as dance classes and student sport skills development (outside of school hours with limited adult attendance) 

• Day field trips to outdoor locations with no physical distancing requirements

• Face-to-face TAFE attendance (see TAFE website for further information) 

• School photos 

• Department of Community and Justice services and programs. 


Activities/site usage that can take place from the beginning of Term 3 

• All school sport and activities including competitions aligned with current health advice (including those activities run by external organisations) 

• Inter-school student events and competitions (choirs, sport , debating, public speaking, performing arts, Selective Sports High School trials etc) 

• SRE/SEE lessons 

• Work experience for students 

• VET work placements can proceed subject to the availability of placement and appropriate risk assessments. For any that can’t proceed, please see the NESA website

• School based apprenticeships and traineeships can recommence once the relevant workplaces are back in operation 

• P&C meetings – with a strong preference for online where possible 

• Parent/teacher meetings – where these need to take place – strong preference for online where possible, unless involving serious matters that require face to face discussion 

• Community use activities involving general adult attendance (such as community markets). 


Activities under consideration from Term 3 

The following events will be reconsidered in Term 3. For now these events must remain on hold:

• School camps 

• Excursions (other than field trips explained above) 

• Parent attendance at assemblies and other school events (e.g. graduation ceremonies or student speech events) 

• Parent volunteers – e.g. parent reading helpers (note: canteen and uniform shop volunteers are permitted) 

• Interstate excursions 

• School based activities that involve large gathering of adults are not permitted at this time. These include parent/community gatherings such as parent functions, working bees, fundraisers, school BBQs, large parent information evenings, and large on-site cultural events. These large gatherings and the following activities will continue to be reviewed and assessed based on AHPPC and NSW Health advice and may be permitted at a later date. 


Activities that are cancelled, delayed or not permitted 

Certain large arts and sports events are cancelled or delayed because they require feeder activities and have long-lead time organisational arrangements. Please speak to your schools if you would like to know more.  International excursions are cancelled until further notice. 


Reporting & assessment 

You will receive your child’s semester 1 report before the end of August (Week 6, Term 3). This will be a simplified version of the report you normally receive. Schools are encouraged to discuss your child’s progress with you before the written report is issued. 


Responding to COVID-19 cases 

There is a clear plan in place for schools to respond to any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in schools. We are working closely with NSW Health and will communicate with parents if a situation arises. Find out more at the response protocols page.



For travel advice to and from school refer to the NSW public transport service