
Welcome Back

We welcome our Year 3-6 students back onsite this week and the joy in their faces was evident as they walked through the gates. We thank our wonderful families for their incredible commitment in supporting the learning programs that were happening remotely. We know many families had to balance this with their own working from home and not to mention multiple children across different year levels. 

We know that the adjustment may take some time and there may be some heightened anxieties with our students, so I have attached some links to websites that may provide some benefit for students and families. There is also the availability of seeing our school chaplain Jesse Winter who is available on Monday and Tuesday. Consent forms are available through myself. 

If there is any further support that is needed or any questions that families may have, please don't hesitate to call or make an appointment to see me. 

Look forward to finishing the term off in a positive manner and heading into Term 3 with good energy and a bright outlook. 


Stay safe, 

Michael Searl

Well-being Coordinator







