The Learning Zone

The Learning Zone - Mrs Holland, Leader of Pedagogy/Assistant Principal


Three-Way Learning Conferences

The teachers are looking forward to meeting with you and your children over the next two weeks for the three-way learning conferences.  On 9th June a note was sent home to all families explaining the changes to the mid-year report.  The greatest difference is that teachers will not be reporting on student achievement based on the A to E scale, they will, however, present you with information about:

  • Engagement during the Learning From Home period
  • Current levels of achievement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics
  • Learning goals for Reading, Writing and Mathematics

Your input is very welcome during the conference and will be added to the meeting record, so please come prepared.  In the days following the conference a final copy will be emailed to you via Compass. 

Write On Competition

It's not too late to enter the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Write On Competition - entries due to me by Thursday 2nd July


Write On is an annual writing competition open to all NSW primary students in Years 1 to 6. This year, students are asked to compose an imaginative text (up to 500 words), based on the image provided.  All stories must meet the competition guidelines to be considered for entry to NESA.  Click here for guidelines and further information.


Can your child solve this tricky puzzle? Answers are due by Thursday 2nd July (Week 10).


Have a wonderful week.


Maree Holland