Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Parking Around College Grounds

From time to time the College receives complaints from nearby residents regarding parking – students during school hours and often reports about parents after school and on weekends around sport events. As a College, the preference is to work with our neighbours and respond to parking complaints when they are made. As the new Term 3 sport season begins, please park legally around the streets bordering the College. Recently, complaints have been made regarding parking on nature strips and grassed areas. If your son drives to school, it would be worth having a conversation about parking legally on the street. In the past police and council have been called by neighbours and fines issued.

Student Admin

If you need to drop items off for your son during the day, please ensure these items are left at Student Administration and not at Tower Reception. Student Admin is located on the top floor of the Main Admin building beside the senior library. 

Paul Dillon Presentation to Years 10 – 12

The College has engaged Mr Paul Dillon, Director of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia to present to our  year 10, 11 and 12 students this Thursday 21 July on the topic of drugs and alcohol. Paul’s presentations are engaging and tailored specifically to each year level. 


Year 10

Young people, alcohol and risk taking: Looking after your mates

This introductory session focuses on alcohol and attempts to debunk some of the myths in this area, particularly around how to look after someone who has drunk too much. Simple strategies to keep themselves and their friends safer when they are socialising will be provided to the students. Using the latest prevalence data, ‘positive norms’ will be promoted, i.e., the majority of Year 10s do not use drugs. Information will also be provided on e-cigarettes and vaping. Finally, using real-life stories, basic life skills on how to deal with alcohol-related emergencies will be discussed, including knowing when to call an ambulance.


Year 11

Alcohol and cannabis: What do you and your friends need to know?

This presentation reviews and builds upon the practical strategies introduced in the Year 10 session. Information on cannabis will be provided, once again focusing on ‘positive norms’ i.e., most young people do not use the drug and fewer teens are using it than in the past. Potential cannabis-related harms, with an emphasis on mental health will be discussed, as well as some of the possible warning signs that could indicate a person may be experiencing problems with their cannabis use. An update on vaping and e-cigarettes will also be provided. Finally, the impact of alcohol on the adolescent brain will be discussed, highlighting the potential risks of drinking during the teen years.


Year 12

Last year at school: What do I need to know about alcohol and other drugs?

By their final year of school, many students will either be driving or about to get their licence. To ensure these young drivers are as prepared as possible, information about drink driving and the process of random breath testing (RBT), as well as roadside (RDT) or mobile drug testing (MDT) will be provided. Depending on the group, information about ecstasy/MDMA and psychedelics will also be discussed, including the implications of being caught with an illicit substance in your possession. Finally, the importance of seeking help as quickly as possible should something go wrong will also be reiterated.

Term 3 ASH Program Topics

The key focus and aim for each year group is set out below including some of the topics to be covered in this terms ASH program:


Year 5: Respectful relationships - Students learn that having good relationships with others is an important part of a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle. They will learn that maintaining positive relationships takes time and effort.

  • Relationships are important
  • Different relationships
  • Friendly qualities

Year 6: Courage - Students learn about the different kinds of courage and why it is important to use courage in everyday life. They will investigate the ways courage is played out at Marist College.

  • What is courage?
  • People who show courage
  • Courage in misfortune
  • Everyday courage

Year 7: : Respectful relationships - To equip students with the skills for initiating/maintaining healthy friendships and assist them decide when to end a friendship.  Students will also learn the importance of consent.

  • Choosing friendships
  • Making new friends and leaving old ones
  • Consent in friendships

Year 8: Gratitude - Students to learn the power of gratitude and practice this in their daily life.

  • Introduction to gratitude
  • Expressing gratitude
  • The power of giving

Year 9 : The Power of Thinking - Students to learn the importance of thinking on how we feel and respond to situations.  Students will be introduced to the fixed and growth mindset research

  • Grit Program from Unleashing  Personal Potential
  • Fixed vs growth mindset


Year 10: Respectful relationships - Students to understand the impact and warning signs of relationship violence.  Students to know how to help a friend who is in an unhealthy relationship.

  • Warning signs of unhealthy relationships
  • Domestic violence cycle

Year 11: Leadership process

  • Character strengths
  • Student leadership process including: timeline and formal leadership opportunities, current captains Q&A, captain speeches and preferencing, house leader speeches and preferencing
  • UPP Leadership day

Year 12: Preparing for Year 13 - To prepare and assist students in applying for university/VET and life after school.

  • QTAC presentation
  • Paul Dillon- Alcohol and Drugs
  • Schoolies safety presentation