Assistant Principal's page 

From Julie's Desk....

Principal’s Day Thank You

Thank you to all the staff and students who made the Principal team feel so appreciated at last Friday’s ‘Principal Day’.  The time and effort that the students put into cards, posters and booklets was remarkable.  I will personally treasure these for years to come. 


Please make sure that when logging absences, you correctly select the reason on Compass.  Absences that are ‘Unexplained’ or ‘Parent Choice’ are not approved and will be followed up.

Before and After School Traffic

There has been a lot of traffic congestion before and after school lately.  As a parent myself, I know how frustrating it can be at pick up times when you may have to get children to after school activities etc, but please be patient and make wise decisions. 

The safety of children is paramount and there have been some recent observations of very unsafe traffic behaviours. 

If you are using the ‘Drop Off’ zone before school, please move as far forward as possible and do not stop for longer than 30 seconds, as this holds up the flow of traffic.  Please also make sure that your children exit from the left-hand side of the car onto the footpath.  Only left-hand turns are permitted when exiting the Drop Off Zone.

Mobile Phones

As you are all aware, students are not to use mobile devices (phones and smartwatches connected to a cellular network) during school hours at any state school in Victoria.  

As per our Personal Mobile Devices Policy, we appreciate that some circumstances require students to carry mobile phones for before and after school use. 

Students bringing mobile phones to school need to bring them straight to the CHPS Office where they are kept securely and able to be picked up at the end of the day.  Please make sure that your child undertakes this process as soon as they arrive at school.  All students who bring mobile phones to school need to have completed a Mobile Phone Permission Form, available from the Office.


Recently on two occasions I have been made aware of children who have been upset because they have lost items of jewellery.  This is a very distressing thing for all involved, especially if there is sentiment attached to the item.  It is for this reason that unless wearing neutral studs or small sleepers in ears or non-cellular connected watches, jewellery is not permitted at school.  

Please refer to our Uniform Policy regarding this and other requirements.  For example, the wearing of nail polish and cosmetics is not allowed. 

With regards to ordering uniforms for all the children having growth spurts (mine included!) please click here for more information on how to order.  If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me

Until next time,

Julie Reid, Assistant Principal – Wellbeing and Inclusion