Welcome back to Term Three! Throughout this term students will be provided with many opportunities to explore various musical instruments in different settings. Over the term they will be focusing on rhythm and also music elements for the upper years. These skills will be developed using a variety of instruments including piano, guitar, ukulele, drums and boomwhackers.
This term, Prep students will begin to consolidate their knowledge of rhythm by learning about types of notes (ta and ti-ti) and how to create their own rhythm using these. Students will continue learning strategies to help them follow a steady beat when singing or playing songs. They will be introduced to instruments such as the xylophone. On the xylophone students will learn simple songs to play and maintain a beat throughout. They will be given the opportunity to begin performing and sharing their learning with the class and therefore be introduced to audience etiquette.
Year One
Throughout this term, students will begin looking at different note types and be introduced to solfa notes (mi and so). Students will learn about the hand stave, where mi and so sit on it and how they sound when sung or played. They will continue to explore the use of crotchet rests (za) in music and also be introduced to the new note types minims and semibreves. During the term students will learn songs by singing and playing instruments that include these different note types to consolidate their knowledge.
Year Two
During Term Three, students will continue to develop their knowledge of notes on the stave. They will continue to develop strategies to remember which notes sit on which lines and spaces of the stave. Students will also begin to use music written on the stave to learn simple songs. They will then practice these songs ensuring that they keep the beat steady throughout. Students will consolidate knowledge of crotchets, quavers, minims, semibreves and crotchet rests through short simple songs that will be learnt on various instruments.
Year Three
Throughout this term, students will continue to develop and consolidate their knowledge of time signatures and bar lines. They will also be introduced to dynamics (volume) and tempo (speed) in music. Students will be introduced to the basic dynamics; pp – very soft, p – soft, f -loud and ff – very loud. They will have the opportunity to transfer this knowledge by playing various instruments such as keyboard, xylophone and drums.
Year Four
This term, students will be exploring dynamics, tempo and time signatures in music. They will learn about how the different dynamics and tempos along with the Italian words that symbolise them can change the sound of music. Students will also be introduced to basic time signatures and bar lines and how they work together. They will then have the opportunity to create their own rhythms using basic time signatures and bar lines and perform them for the class.
Year Five
This term, Year Five students will be introduced to the six elements of music. These include pitch, form, expression, texture, tone/timbre and duration. They will then apply these to songs they learn throughout the term. Students will explore how to play in small ensembles (groups) and will develop strategies to keep in time when playing a melody on different instruments with others.
Year Six
Throughout Term Three, Year Six students will develop their knowledge of the different terms and symbols found in music. Students will begin identifying time signatures, bar lines, sharps, flats, tempo markings, etc. in the music they are learning. They will then experiment with using those terms and symbols in songs to see how the sound of the song is changed. Students will also continue to develop their knowledge of communicating ideas and feelings through music. They will analyse many different cultural songs to conclude what feeling or idea is being communicated as well as trying to communicate their own ideas and feelings through music.