
Hello Spectacular Artists and welcome to another term of fabulous visual art learning. This term year levels will be exploring a range of materials and techniques, such as ceramics, painting and collaging. I look forward to an exciting and creative term ahead. 


PREP: Students in prep will create art using a variety of materials and techniques. They will learn how to create artwork inspired by the book “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister.  Students will develop skills of adding details by following steps in a drawing tutorial. They will practice and refine their cutting skills with a focus on curved lines. 


YEAR 1: Students will investigate the fundamental clay skills such as creating a slab and using tools. Throughout the term they will develop a deeper understanding of the different techniques that can be used to create texture on clay. Students will be able to transfer this knowledge to create further artworks with a focus on texture. 


YEAR 2: Throughout this term, students will experiment with different techniques to create depth and detail in their artworks. They will participate in observational and directed drawing tasks focused on Still Life Art. Students will learn about the artist Vincent Van Gogh and use this to inform their own art making.


YEAR 3: Throughout this term, students will develop a deeper understanding of ceramic techniques, particularly how to create pinch pots and how to attach clay. Students will deepen their understanding of colour theory and develop their colour mixing skills with a focus on tints and shades. Students will transfer these skills to a variety of artworks. 


YEAR 4: During Term Three, students in year 4 will be deepening their understanding of drawing techniques. Students will select to focus on an individual technique such as perspective or portraiture. Throughout this process they will be challenged to develop new skills and techniques, to be transferred into future artworks. 


YEAR 5: Throughout this term, students will understand how to design and create ceramic pieces. They will design their own ceramic piece focused on Australian Animals and develop their skills in hand-building such as attaching clay with the slip and score technique. Throughout the term, students will be challenged to learn new techniques and deepen their understanding of the qualities of clay. 


YEAR 6: Students will be focusing on developing their artistic skills with an extended individual project. They will develop a deep understanding of how to use a variety of art materials and how to source art tutorials to learn individually selected techniques. Students will be creating highly personalised artwork that expresses who they are as artists.  Throughout the term they will extend their learning by problem solving the challenges that arise.



Images below: