Year 3 Report

Term 3

Welcome back to another term of fantastic learning.  Lots of fun things happening this term, we have Book Week, Grade 3/4 camp and the Maths Amazing Race to name a few. Hope you all have had a wonderful break, and ready to start a new semester! 




This Term the Grade 3 students will be looking at newspaper articles exploring its structure and features.  They will be exposed to a variety of newspaper articles and identifying the 5 w's, investigating formal tone, past tense, alliteration and adjectives that inform and engage the reader.  The students will continue to work through comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning, such as, thick and thin questions, summarising, and making connections. In writing the students will be given the opportunity to  create their own newspaper articles that include the various features.  The students will learn the technique of questioning and putting together their newspaper article. Throughout the term the students will continue to develop reading and writing goals to improve their learning. 




This Term the Grade 3 students will start looking at Multiplication and learning to understand the connections between repeated addition, equal groups and arrays. They will move from using concrete materials to represent the equations, to being able to solve multiplication equations when given partial information. Students will also look at division and it's relationship with multiplication. We will end the term by looking at data and statistics.




In Inquiry, students explore significant days and weeks celebrated in Australia and in other countries. They will identify the significance of people with diverse backgrounds and the roles they play in developing local communities. Students examine the importance of Country and Place to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples who belong to a particular area.




  • Science Week - 15th - 19th August
  • Book Week - 22nd - 26th August
  • Camp Week - 31st August - 2nd September
  • Maths Amazing Race Day/Last Day of Term - 16th September