
Welcome back to a sensational term 3 in Italian. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities focusing on developing their conversational and writing skills.


Prep students will continue to learn to use greetings, and ask and respond to simple questions about themselves. Students will learn to recognise both aurally and in written form numbers to 20, colours, and family members. Chants, songs and learning activities will assist them in gaining confidence in oral pronunciation.


Students in Grades One and Two will coverer a variety of topics that will introduce new vocabulary and cultural aspects of Italy. Students will extend their knowledge in Italian for body parts, family members, colours and how to express likes or dislikes in Italian. Chants, songs and learning activities will assist them in gaining confidence in oral pronunciation. 


Students in Grades Three and Four will continue to use greetings, ask and respond to questions about themselves and others and write simple sentences. Students will be learning nouns relating to their environment, ways of describing physical appearance and days of the week. Chants, songs and learning activities will assist them in gaining confidence in oral pronunciation. 


Students in Grades Five and Six will continue to use greetings and ask and respond to questions about themselves. Our focus on the family will give students a greater understanding of ways of describing physical appearance and nouns relating to the family and their environment. Year 6 students will take part in traditional cooking classes as part of the Italian program.