Year 4 Report

Welcome to Term 3! 


During Term 3 in Literacy, students will be exploring Myths, Legends and Dreamtime stories. They will be analysing character traits, settings, conflicts, solutions and meaning/moral. Students will be exposed to a range of mythical and dreamtime texts, and will have many opportunities to write their own. They will continue to follow the 5 stages of writing and explore the many different language features included in this genre. Students will be using their 'Bump It Up' wall to self-assess and to build their skills in grammar and punctuation, spelling, ideas, language and revising. Students will also be exploring authors craft while focusing on the comprehension strategies of summarising and inferring.  Students will continue achieving their reading and writing goals.



During Term 3 in Numeracy, students will be investigating how to use multiplication and division strategies to solve problems. Our Maths lessons aim to engage the students learning of concepts and skills through games, hands on activities and technology. This term, there will be many opportunities for students to participate in whole group and partner work, as well as focused small groups. Students will be learning about the connections between arrays, repeated addition, equal groups and number lines. They will be exposed to a range of real-life scenarios to help develop a sound understanding of multiplication and division. Students will continue achieving their maths goals.



During Term 3 in Inquiry, Grade 4 students will explore the causes and effects of European settlement and exploration. They will learn about Australia’s first peoples and the significant ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected to Country and Place. Students will investigate the First Fleet, including causes and reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, and their experiences and perspectives following arrival. Students will be presenting their findings toward the end of the term. 


Grade 4 Garden

Have a look at the growth in our garden! So many of our plants are ready for harvesting. 




  • August 10th-12th: Book Fair
  • August 15th-19th: Science Week
  • August 22nd-26th: Book Week
  • August 31st - September 2nd: 3/4 Camp
  • September 16th: Maths Amazing Race - 2:30pm finish.

Grade 4 Team

Sylvana Awada, Tiana Elia and Andy Urbancic