Curriculum In Focus

Spelling Bee
Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari Indonesia, nomor nomor dan warna warna dalam kelas Foundation.
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari cerita anak anak dalam kelas Satu dan Dua.
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari makanan di Indonesia dalam kelas Tiga, Empat dan Lima.
~In Foundation this term we are learning about Indonesia, numbers and colours. ~
~ In Years 1 and 2 this term we are learning about Indonesian Children’s Stories. ~
~ In Years 3 to 5 this term we are learning about eating in Indonesia. ~
Kelas Foundation
During week 4 we introduce the numbers 1-10. Students will firstly play a game where they need to form groups of a particular number and then they will draw objects to match a given number. The numbers from 1-10 in Indonesian are included below.
Kelas Satu dan Dua
During week 4 we are continuing our focus on the traditional Indonesian folk story, Kancil dan Buaya (Java Mouse-deer and Crocodile). Using the shadow puppet theatre (Thank You Mr Kev!) and the puppets made in week 3, we will re-enact this story.
Did you know the ‘Wayang Kulit’ is a traditional Indonesian shadow puppet play that originated in Java?
Kelas Tiga, Empat dan Lima
During week 4 we learn how to say what foods we like and don’t like using a variety of sentence structures. Students in years 3-6 may recall some of these sentence structures from earlier in the year. Using the traditional Indonesian dishes they learn about in week 3, students can complete the following sentences.
Saya suka __________. I like __________.
Saya suka __________ dan __________. I like __________ and __________.
Saya tidak suka __________. I don’t like __________.
Saya tidak suka __________ dan __________. I don’t like __________ and __________.
Saya suka __________ tetapi saya tidak suka __________. I like __________ but I don’t like __________.
If you would like to try cooking Nasi Goreng at home, a recipe can be found by following this link -
Terima Kasih,
Bu Kate dan Bu Chelsea