Classroom News 

Year Prep

Last week in Prep we had an exciting visit from three local firefighters! Mark, Tony & Ben spoke to the Preps about different types of fires and what they should do if a fire was to happen at their homes. They also spoke about other people in the community who help us such as Police, Ambulance and SES. The students absolutely loved hearing about their jobs, and look forward to the next session where they will get to get up close with the big red fire truck!

Year One

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, making mistakes, and having fun. Recently the Year 1’s having been showing their love for creativity during their Discovery Learning. Before our very eyes our classroom was quickly transformed! Our classroom desks were converted into technology making stations and our building corner was converted into a castle construction area! Some of the amazing creations included headphones, watches, and mobile phones at the technology station. While swords, cardboard people, castles, and crowns were being made around the classroom. While all these amazing crafts were happening, we also had a puppet show taking place and our restaurant was being creatively re-organised. It was wonderful to see the Year 1's work together, alongside the Preps and Year 2’s, to bring their imagination to life. Being creative is one of Sacred Heart’s learning dispositions, so it was it was wonderful to see the Year 1’s displays such inspired activities. 

Technology Station
Technology Station


Crown making
Castle Construction
Restaurant re-organsation
Crown making
Castle Construction
Restaurant re-organsation

Year Two 

The Year 2s have been learning about the importance of family. Today in their Auslan session with Erin, they learnt the signs for different family members. Keep up the great work Year 2!





Year Four / Five

Writing ~ Explode the Moment

Over the past two weeks we have been looking at a strategy in writing known as Explode the Moment. That is where you take a line from a narrative and explode that moment, using the senses to help drive the writing and add detail. Here's some examples.


Sweat was raining down Zane's face. He could feel the cold air rushing across his body. He tapped his bat on the ground, ready to go. In the distance he could hear birds playing with their food on the ground. His heart was thumping, the wind blowing in his face. He was talking to himself 'I just need a six to win'. He was getting scared. 'What if I miss the ball and get bowled?' He got rid of that thought and said 'Be confident!' Jaxon stood bouncing the ball. He bounced it three times. Then he started his run.

                                                                                                                                        ~ Zane Azzarone







Year 5/6

What is the Perimeter of our School?

Last week, the Y5/6s measured the perimeter of the school using 3 different measuring tools (meter ruler, trundle wheel and a tape measure). We split up into 2 groups where one group measured the length of the school and the other group measured the width. Each group got into 3 pairs and each pair used a different measuring tool. 

Once we got back to the classroom, everyone had different measurements. We decided to average the numbers to get a rough total perimeter of the school. After we averaged both measurements, the length was 104.9m, and the width was 45.2m. Then we rounded the numbers to the closest meter, which gave us 105m and 45m. 

We added the totals together and got 150m, then doubled that because the other sides still needed to be added, which gave us 300m. So then, the whole perimeter of the school is 300m. By Bernice and Hansvi


Lego Club returned back at Sacred Heart this week after a brief hiatus. Thanks to Julian who has instigated and organised this group. He has been a brilliant leader and is responsible for a steady stream of children  enjoying their Monday lunchtimes, creating and talking with friends. I must admit, it is an hour I do look forward to at our school. 

Eklavya creating!
Well done, birthday boy!
Suzi and her latest creation!
Eklavya creating!
Well done, birthday boy!
Suzi and her latest creation!