School Highlights 

Junior School artwork for Reconciliation Week

Our Prep to Year 2 students have created some beautiful pieces of artwork as part of their Reconciliation Week learning this week.

Aren't they lovely?

National Simultaneous Storytime project

On 6 June, as part of the annual National Simultaneous Storytime project, Principal Rob French and Head of Junior School, Lucas Collins, spent time with our ELC students. Looks as though fun was had by all!

Year 8 International Rocket League Esports Competition

Celestine Yeung, Digital Technologies Teacher 

This term, a select group of Year 8 students participated in the International Rocket League Esports Competition. 

Rocket League is a vehicle soccer video game that requires teamwork and skills such as air rolls, double jumps and defending tactics. 

The students proudly represented Kilvington, demonstrating immense perseverance, team spirit and sportsmanship. We made it through to the grand final, finishing in second place. 


Congratulations to Roderic Willim, Benjamin Lewis, Max Dillon-Shallard, Ashwin Parker and Lachlan Bryan!