Grade 2,3 and 4 workshops

Healthy Food Workshop

On Monday, we were very fortunate to have Jason Thomas conduct a ‘GenR8 Change Heathy Food Workshop’ at school. Students learnt about all the things plants need to grow and thrive. They also looked at different herbs and talked about possible meals in which they could be used. Students then had the opportunity to pot up three seedlings each. All students were very happy to take home their pots of garlic chives, continental parsley and cos lettuce. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us Jason.


Pictures: Hannah, London, Liam, Lachie, Jason and Ethan.


Thank you Jason for being our 'Garden Guru'.  The students have really enjoyed potting up herbs and learning about plants. Thank you for also spreading out all the potting mix around and in the front garden beds.  We really appreciate all your help and learning from you. 

Jack McCulloch


Farm Inventions

Over the past couple of weeks, Grade 2/3/4 students have been designing and creating their own inventions. The design brief was to invent an item that would help a farmer and use only recycled or reused materials.

Students drew up a plan first, thinking about what materials they could use. They then sourced some old materials from home and set about constructing their invention, modifying as needed. 

Some of the amazing inventions include rain gauges, shoe racks, farm dog beds, lamb feeders, bird feeders and lead ropes just to name a few.

See some photos of the inventions below.


Cooper White with his shoe rack.

Connor Crawford with his lamb feeder.

Henry Brook with his bird feeder.

Lara Johnstone with her farm dog bed.

Hannah Carroll with her shoe scrubber/cleaner.

Liam Kenny with his key holder and coat rack.