Art, Music and PE




In Music News this week, Preps and 1/2s sang, moved and played to some of their favourite songs from this term. The 2/3s played ukuleles and improvised on chime boxes. The 3/4s and 4/5s played ukuleles and sang Calypso songs. The 5/6s also played ukuleles and worked on their own musical goals.



In Choir News, on Tuesday there was a party to thank the Choir for the hard work they have put into all our rehearsals this year so far, and to celebrate their win at the Eisteddfod. They ate yummy food, danced to music, and played with balloons.



The Music Certificates this week go to Julia Shaw and Gabriella Bennett for helping clean the Music Room after the Choir party without being asked. Thank you very much Julia and Gabriella!


Hoop Time Basketball


Early next term the annual hoop time basketball event is set to take place. 

Hoop Time is a single day round robin tournament which will run over two days early in term 3.

This is an opportunity for all our year 4 and 6 Students to participate in the round Robin event, regardless of experience. 

Students will play against other local schools and learn and strengthen their basketball skills as the day progresses.

Year 4 on Thursday the 21st of July. (Junior event)

Year 6 on Monday the 25th of July (Senior event)

There will be information regarding this opportunity for year 4/6 students at the start of term 3. If helping out/coaching or team managing is something you are interested in please let Mr Watt know.


Mr Watt