Principal's Message



Student Reports and Parent/Teacher Interviews

Reports were sent home on Wednesday for all students and having reviewed all progression points and comments, I am very pleased with the overall progress being made in the students’ learning.  Teachers are looking forward to also having the opportunity to discuss this progress further during Parent/Teacher Interviews early next term.  These will be taking place in Week 3 on Tuesday 26th July.  Information will be sent home in the first week of term for parents to book an appointment time. 


Interpreting Student Reports

Student reports provide students, teachers and parents with a picture of a student’s achievement and progress at a point in time. Teachers make informed and consistent decisions about student progress against the Victorian Curriculum achievement standards using a variety of assessments and observations to inform their judgement. They map the student’s learning against the achievement standards, and place the student on the learning continuum, that best reflect the student’s level of performance and progress.


It is extremely important to remember that the Victorian Curriculum is structured as a single developmental learning continuum and is organised by levels, not years of schooling. The curriculum consists of Towards Foundation (Prep) Levels A to D and Levels Foundation (Prep) to 10. All curriculum areas have achievement standards, describing what students are able to understand and do.


In some instances the report for your child may show that the ‘progression point dot’ has not moved. This however does not mean that your child has not made any progress.  In nearly all cases teachers will have evidence to demonstrate that learning growth has been made against various learning outcomes.  Students may not have quite made the total overall growth to reach the next progression point, however we are still confident there will be areas where learning growth has been made.


Some further information that you may like to consider…

School reports are a great tool to help you understand how your child is going at school – and they can be used to start a conversation with your child about their learning. I am fully aware that student reports can bring mixed feelings for some parents. Pleasure and pride if the child is performing well, but considerable angst when children are not progressing as you hoped.  Children can also be anxious about reports, they don’t want to ‘disappoint’ their parents.


Here are some ideas to consider when reviewing your child’s report:

Focus on strengths. Do you look for strengths or weaknesses first? The challenge is to focus on strengths even if they are not in the traditional English, Mathematics or core subjects.

Take into account your child’s effort and attitude to learning. If the report indicates that effort is below standard, then you have something to work on. If your child is putting in the required effort, then you cannot ask any more than that, regardless of the grading.

Broaden your focus away from academic performance to form a picture of your child’s progress as a member of a social setting. How your child gets along with their peers will influence their happiness and well-being, as well as give an indicator to their future. The skills of independence and co-operation are highly valued by employers so don’t dismiss these as unimportant.

Discuss the report with your child talking about strengths first before looking at areas that need improvement. Ask for their opinion about how they performed and discuss their concerns.


King’s Pie Drive

Order forms and money were due in Thursday 23rd of July, however if you didn’t get the chance to send this in yet, the last day we can accept orders is at 9:00am on Tuesday 12th July.  Leesa will then be processing all orders with King’s Pies and these will then be ready for collection on Thursday 21st July.


Swimming Programs

In the first two weeks of next term our students in the grades 2/3A and 3/4A (12:00 to 1:00pm) and students in the 3/4B and 4/5A (1:00 to 2:00pm) will be participating in their annual swimming program up at HILAC.  The first group will depart school shortly after recess whilst the second group will return to school at about 2:30pm each day.  ‘Learn to Swim’ programs are an important element of practical experience that compliment Health and Physical Education curriculum and we look forward to seeing the skills of our students develop over this two-week block.


Hot Food Lunch

Earlier today our students got to enjoy a ‘Hot Food Lunch’ of a sausage in bread, packet of chips and a drink, a perfect lunch for the end of term!  Thanks to Narelle and Maree for all of the organising, and thanks also to Kelly Thomas and our grade 6 helpers for assisting Narelle with cooking the BBQ, bundling the goodies up into baskets and delivering to the students.


Staff on Leave

For the past two weeks we have had Leesa Dorman take two weeks leave from her role in the office, with Narelle Pitts stepping in to fulfil this role.  Narelle has done a terrific job and we thank her for the work she has done, with Leesa to return from the beginning of term 3.  Maree will then be taking leave for the first five weeks of next term, catching up on her trip away that she missed out on in 2020.  We wish Maree well in her travels.  Mrs Beaton will also be on leave for the first five weeks of next term and has already departed for her trip away.  Next term Miss Benoit will increase her work schedule to four days with a replacement teacher Mrs Plush to take the 1/2B class every Monday whilst Mrs Beaton is away.  Mrs McGinley will also be on leave for the first two weeks of term.  Mrs Carolynn Murray will increase her work schedule to take the Prep A class for three days each week, with Miss Ellen Richardson, a teacher at Coleraine Primary School, coming across to take this class each Wednesday and Thursday.  We wish all of our staff taking leave a much deserved and enjoyable extended break, and thank and welcome new staff who will be joining us.


Thanks Mr Beaton

This term we have also had Mr Beaton work one day per week, sharing the teaching duties of the 4/5A class.  Miss Callaway will be returning to full-time teaching duties next term.  We thank Mr Beaton for his contributions, also wishing him a great time away and look forward to him returning in some form on their return from holidays. 


Work Experience Students

This week we have had Amy return for another two days in the Art Room, along with Siana, Ella and Bella who were all here for five days completing Work Experience across a variety of classroom settings.  We thank each of these girls for the great job they have done and the assistance they have provided our students during their time here with us.


Wishing you all a great holiday break and we look forward to all students returning for term 3 on Monday 11th July.


Ben Kelson
