Middle Years Term Two Review
It has been a very busy term with students participating in a range of extracurricular activities. Students have enjoyed being able to again take up these opportunities to represent Wangaratta High School. Some of these activities and excursions have included band camp, cross country, netball, soccer and Food and Fibre exhibition day.
Years 7 and 9 also completed NAPLAN testing earlier in the term. This is an important assessment tool for our students and school. All students showed great resilience and cooperation whilst competing these tests.
The Year 7-9 Level Leaders with the Prefects, have been working with Phil Brown from country education partnership. Phil has been met with students on several occasions to discuss and brainstorm issues affecting students within the school community. In Term 3, a focus will be chosen and a plan made to hopefully solve this issue.
The tribe movement group is a select group of Year 8 and 9 boys who have been identified the need for support with their social and wellbeing needs. This provides them with a physical outlet. Ms Nott takes the group of 12 boys down to tribe every Thursday for a total of 8 weeks. So far the boys have completed many different styles of workout incorporating weights, running and cycling. This is run by the experienced instructors of tribe and a focus is on safety and completing exercises with proper technique. A nutritionist has also discussed healthy eating and the importance of protein for growing bodies.
Year 9 boys group is a select group of boys who have been identified for further wellbeing support in their education. The boys group meets for one session a fortnight with Mr Nolan in a hope to create a positive connection, social skills and resilience. Through the use of wellbeing focused strategies and activities, we hope to reduce antisocial behaviours and create a “champion’’ the boys can connect with. A Year 9 girls group has just started with Ms Sullivan. Further details to come soon.
The CLC program is one of the highlights of Year 9. This semester 9A, C and F have spent every Wednesday in the program. During the first term the focus of the program was being kind to both themselves and others. Showing empathy and practicing gratitude everyday are also areas the students were asked to think more about. They also practiced being a helpful team member. Trying new things and step outside their comfort zone was also encouraged through many different activities and excursions.
During the second term the students worked in small groups on a project in the community. Many stakeholders from different community groups present project ideas to the students. They then chose a project of interest and assisted the organisation each Wednesday for 8 weeks. Various projects included; assisting in primary school classrooms, helping the residents in aged care, supporting the Wang Night Shelter and conducting sport clinics.
As a celebration of the great work the students have done they presented their project journey to the Year 7 and 8 students. All students should be very proud of the way they challenged themselves to speak to an audience about their project. They have all achieved great things and their teachers have enjoyed working with them, and watching them grow into even better people.
Have a happy and safe break.
Hannah Nott
Middle Years Leader