Community News

Our local community has some wonderful jobs and events coming up, please see the following:


Upcoming Junior Golf tournaments:

Wanting to show of your Golf skills? Check out the Golf Australia Murray River Junior Masters tournament that is going to be held from Wednesday, the 29th of June to Friday, the 1st of July.


Venue: Cobram Barooga (29/6) , Tocumwal  (30/6) & Yarrawonga Mulwala (1/7) Golf Clubs. 


For more information, click here Events Calendar | Golf Australia


Need a dress or a suit for a special occasion, perhaps for our coming Deb Ball? Why not try the local Beechworth Formal Attire Library. 

How the library works is you pay a $50 deposit for an item of your choice and borrow it for a day or a couple of days before the occasion, wear it, have a great time and return the item clean and in good condition. If the dress passes the required cleanliness, etc., you will receive your $50 back. That's why they call it a Library - you borrow and bring the item back. 


If you have any enquiries outside of school events, please contact Josephine Cornish via email, if you are attending one of our school events, please come and see Rebecca Younger at the office. 


Second hand Deb dresses available:

We have the following beautiful Deb dresses available to be purchased, if you are interested, please contact Rebecca Younger ( and state the dress you are interested in. 

Dress 1
Dress 1
Dress 2
Dress 3
Dress 3 (middle)
Dress 1
Dress 1
Dress 2
Dress 3
Dress 3 (middle)


A quick whip around: