Year 9 CLC Program

(Community Leadership Challenge)

The CLC program is one of the highlights of Year 9. This semester 9A, C and F have spent every Wednesday in the program. During the first term the focus of the program was being kind to both themselves and others. Showing empathy and practising gratitude everyday are also areas the students were asked to think more about. They also practised being a helpful team member. Trying new things and step outside their comfort zone was also encouraged through many different activities and excursions.


During the second term the students worked in small groups on a project in the community. Many stakeholders from different community groups present project ideas to the students. They then chose a project of interest and assisted the organisation each Wednesday for 8 weeks. Various projects included; assisting in primary school classrooms, helping the residents in aged care, supporting the Wang Night Shelter and conducting sport clinics.


As a celebration of the great work the students have done, they presented their project journey to the Year 7 and 8 students.  Anthony Chisholm opened the assembly with a performance of an original song. All students should be very proud of the way they challenged themselves to speak to an audience about their project. They have all achieved great things and their teachers have enjoyed working with them and watching them grow into even better young people.