

It is important that your child attends school every day that they are well so they can build their friendship and social skills, and develop their knowledge and skills needed to be successful in the future.

At times their may be circumstances that you child is unable to attend school due to illness, specialist appointments, therapy or for unforeseen circumstances.  If this happens, it is a legal requirement to notify the school as soon as possible (preferably before school begins on the morning of your child’s absence or before the day if it is going to be a known absence).

Please notify your child’s teacher through the Compass app as soon as you know that your child is going to be absent and for the length of time they will be absent for.  Staff need to have an explanation for every day that your child is away.

Alternatively you can contact the general office on 5998 5293.  Our SMS system automatically sends a message to parents if your child has been marked ‘unexplained’ in the morning.