Year Two News

Written by the Year Two Team

Dear Year Two Families,


Wow, what a fun and engaging jam packed ending to Term Three. Let's take some time to reflect on all the exciting things that have been happening over the last two weeks. 


House Colour Community Day

Last Monday 5th, students were encouraged to wear their house colours and participate in our House Colour Community Day. The intention behind this day was to raise awareness of every students house and importantly the representative who that house has been named after (Cathy Freeman, Kyle Vander-Kuyp, Adam Goodes and Evonne Goolagong). This helped students identify themselves and represent their house. Students enjoyed participating in an explicit house community lesson which was created to help bring awareness around who is a part of each house. We saw students dressing with pride in their colours and sharing in the excitement of gaining house points throughout the day.  Everyone looked fantastic and we strongly believe the intention was met!

Footy Colours Day

We had an awesome turn out for our Footy Colours Day. Students were asked to bring a gold coin to donate to ‘A Flicker of Hope’ foundation. Thank you for everyone's efforts.

Colour Explosion School Fun Run

On Thursday, students had a blast participating in the school's second ever Colour Run! This was a fantastic success for all those involved and an awesome way to end the term. Thank you to all our parent volunteers.

Year Two Sleepover

Concluding Week 10 with a sleepover was so much fun! What a blast everyone had and what a better way to finish a term with lots of fun celebrating the amazing learning and growth. But not only that,  the sleepover assisted with developing skills to prepare our students for future camps and build their independence and confidence. Students enjoyed pizza for dinner, they eagerly participated in a range of games and activities, had fun watching a movie and woke up to Subway for breakfast! We’ve had smiles all round and have had nothing but positive feedback! Well done everyone! We are proud of you all.


In Reading, students have continued learning about the comprehension strategy 'summarising'. They've been looking at non-fiction texts and using the TELL model to record their summaries.  



After all our Book Week fun, over the last two weeks, students have continued to focus on writing recounts. They've been going back over the explicit structure of a recount and have included detail when writing them. Students have also engaged in creative writing lessons, focussing on their individualised writing goals. We've found that these lessons have motived our students to learn. With creativity at the forefront of its purpose, this has allowed our students opportunities to use their imagination, creativity, and innovation. 



In Maths, the Year Two's been learning about the concept of money in their classroom and in their fluid maths groups. Students have been busy recognising, describing and ordering the Australian currency according to their value. They've taken part in cut and paste activities, looking through shopping catalogues, calculating the total value when adding two prices together, and the change they will receive and learning about the value of different items.  



In Inquiry, students have had fun designing their own transport system that can be made in the future. As part of our fifth Unit of Inquiry’s summative assessment, students were asked to make and plan a whole town's transport system. Students thought about the factors that influence their community and were reflective in thinking about creating a town that’s meets the needs of a community. For this inquiry, we saw some incredible, well thought out artefacts. It has been very pleasing to see the deep connection and understanding students have made. The Year Two's have now finished off their fifth Unit of Inquiry around ‘Transportation’ and will begin their final Inquiry next term.  Well done to all our superstars on a very successful unit.


Important Reminders:

  • Holiday Homework: The Year Two team have created some exciting holiday homework which has been posted on Schoolbox. This is optional  homework. We do encourage students to complete this homework to earn 10 points for their house if returned on the first day back. 
  • Term 4 will commence on Monday 3rd of October, this is a reminder that students need to please wear summer uniform during this term. Hats are required to be worn for outside play, in the interest of being “Sun Smart.” Please name jackets and jumpers as this is the term when the days are warmer and students tend to discard these layers of clothing throughout the day.  

We hope everyone has a fun, relaxing and safe school holiday. 


Kind Regards,

The Year Two Team