Year One News 

Written by the Year One Team

Dear Year One Families, 

Can you believe that Term Three has come to an end? Students have worked hard and it is now time for them to have a well-earned rest. 


Unit of Inquiry 

In Inquiry, we have been unpacking and exploring our fourth Central Idea, ‘Food resources go through processes before they can be used in our communities’, under the Transdisciplinary Theme, ‘How We Organise Ourselves’.  We have been supporting the students to make connections between their knowledge and experiences about natural resources and the changes they go through, as they travel from farm to plate.

Over the past few weeks the students have been inquiring into our second Line of Inquiry, 'Food resources and the processes they go through.' Students have been learning about the process of milk and wheat by drawing flow charts. Students were able to explain that a cow eats grass, farmers milk the cows, the milk goes into a truck and is taken to get cleaned, packaged and sent to the shops for us to buy. 



In Reading, we have started focussing on questioning. The Year One students have been learning about, 'think and search', questions. Think and search questions are found within the text, the reader is asked to collect information from more than one part of the text and put it together to answer the question. 

We have continued to explore adjectives, nouns and verbs. Over the past fortnight students have been getting creative when reading by connecting their knowledge of picture story books and fine motor skills. Students have been producing craft activities that link to different texts. For example students read the Australian picture story book, 'Possum Magic', written by Mem Fox and  created their own possum. 




During Writing, students have working on building their understanding of  procedural texts. Students have been introduced to the structure of procedural writing - title, goal, ingredients/materials and sequenced steps. 

We have had a main focus on being able to write clear and detailed instructions that begin with a verb. Students made fairy bread, some classes made play dough and milkshakes. 



During Maths, this last fortnight, students have been introduced to location and chance. 

When learning about location (position and movement) students have been exposed to a variety of language such as: forwards, backwards, above, below, next to, far, near, behind, in front, under, right and left. Students have been consolidating their understanding of left and right, with the introduction of clockwise and anti-clockwise. 

Students had the opportunity to use some of the robotics equipment such as the bee-bots. Students were able to use there location language with there coding skills to make the bee-bots move forwards, backwards, left and right. 


When learning about chance,  students have been learning about the language of 'likely', 'unlikely', ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’.  



Weekly Reminders:

  • Last day of Term- Thursday 15 September with a normal finish time.
  • Thursday 15- Colour Run don't forget to dress for the occasion. Students wear a white t-shirt.
  • School begins at 8:30am, with continuous entry from 8:20 am. Please be on time as learning begins at 8:30am.
  • Please ensure your child is reading  nightly.
  • Please remind the students to complete their spelling homework for the week.
  • Assembly - We have a whole-school assembly on Monday afternoons at 2:00 pm. 
  • iPads - Every day it's essential that students bring their iPad to school fully charged!
  • Absences – If your child is away, please remember to upload your reasons on Xuno. Please reach out to the office if you need support doing this.

     Kind Regards, 
    The Year One Team