Term 2 Ensemble Music

To finish term 2, the Aberfoyle Park High School extra-curricular ensembles presented a performance to families and friends. Additionally, eight year 12 soloists presented their second performance for assessment with multi-talented maths teacher Mr Nisan Tuazon accompanying them on piano.


Ensembles included the Big Band, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, String Ensemble and Choir, which included 70 students across year 7-12. 


Students had worked together through the year to learn their music ready for this performance. Additionally this was the second formal assessment for the year 12 ensemble music students.  It is always wonderful to see the hard work students put into their music learning, as a final product, and to see how student’s progress and gain confidence in their music skills every lesson. 


This was the first music performance in the new theatre, and music students are looking forward to many more performances in our new facilities in the future.