The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC)

Ms Rachelle De Fazio & Mr Craig Nielsen, Teachers

The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) took place this year at Flinders University on 17 June 2022. This nationwide STEM outreach program was presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering in an activity based hands-on problem-solving scenarios. 





Aberfoyle Park High School students are known for their bridge building skills, making the end of the day exciting to watch as our second lightest bridge at 20 grams withstand the large ingot known as the big chungus weighing at 500 grams, making it our second year winning the bridge building category. Our wonderful students were in teams and asked to participate in various activities designed to test their critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving abilities, with points awarded for design and capabilities.


We are extremely proud of how the students performed and the way they handled themselves on the day showing school spirit and placing fourth overall out of eight schools on the day. A big congratulations to Mr Craig Neilsen and Ms Delphine Cantin, Science Coordinator, for providing the students with this opportunity to work with each other outside of school and in a University setting. 


“The Science and Engineering Challenge was a wonderful experience. I am grateful for attending it as I gained a better understanding of science and improved my ability to work with others. I look forward to competing in it next year.” 
Aston 9IG1
“This was an exciting opportunity which offered invaluable insight into STEM careers, where all students who took part thrived within a positive and intellectually stimulating environment.” 
Ameerah 9G1