Year 10

Personal Learning Plan 

Round Tables

Alicia Dean, Year 10 Level & PLP Leader

The final step in the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) journey for our year 10’s was held on 15 June through the Round Table process. Round Tables are a chance for students to reflect on and review their learning from PLP with their teacher and members of their family. 


In this process students share how they progressed over the course of the semester in regard to their personal and learning goals, the effectiveness of the strategies they developed to try and achieve these goals, what they learnt from work experience and career planning tasks as well as discussing plans and goals for the future.


It was a great success with approximately 170 of our 180 students making an appointment to present to their teacher, and the feedback from PLP staff was glowing. Collectively we were impressed with how organised our students were and the honesty in their reflections of their learning journey. Many students really stepped up and demonstrated how valuable showcasing one’s learning can be.


This culminating event now sees PLP, a compulsory SACE subject,  all wrapped up for 2022. With that said, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who have achieved a passing grade for this subject, and thank the ever diligent and hard working PLP team, Fran Charlton, Laura Harlow, Ellen Glass, Dave Roberts, Chris Jones, Oksana Kaczmarsky and SSO Sarah Johnson for their commitment in ensuring the success of our students.